Aquarius ♒ New Moon: Tue. Jan. 20, 2015, 5:14 a.m. PST Sun and - TopicsExpress


Aquarius ♒ New Moon: Tue. Jan. 20, 2015, 5:14 a.m. PST Sun and Moon at 0.09 Aquarius ♒ Wow! Do you feel it? The shift in the energies today? LIBERATING! I walked down the street to the bank in my hippie garb. Talked about astrology with the banker. Picked up a newspaper with images of Martin Luther King and Gandhi on it. THIS is Aquariusssssssss! Tis ALIVE in the Air! The whole landscape has changed since yesterday, and thus is the sacred wild nature of our eternal cycling Sun and Moon through the seasons, the moon phases and signs! As I walked in the breezy warm California sunshine the song this is the dawning of the age of Aquarius kept looping in my head, so when I got home I watched this version from the 60s musical, Hair. A whole new level of self realization broke through as I witnessed the story unfold... I was GROWN in this energetic revolutionary liberating force of Nature!! Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! No wonder my life has liberation as its central theme! Both my parents were Aquarians. And even though they werent hippies, they were socialists. They belonged to the NDP Party in Canada. Held political gatherings at their farmhouse in northern Alberta and were personally instrumental in helping the NDP candidate get into office. My father was a socialist pamphleteer during the 2nd World War. When discovered by the government, their farmhouse was raided and his printing press taken. My father was a rebel to all things negative patriarchy, particularly the capitalist elite. His passion was climate change and green technologies before anyone was talking about it. He was considered a WILD madman, scary to most because of his temper. He was science minded, while keeping his eye cocked on the paranormal. He has always been a dichotomy to me. He was not a personal nurturing father that most crave for, he was too ravaged by the war, perpetually caught in his suffering from the morn when he read the newspaper through the nightmares he suffered with every night till the day he died. He took care of his financial responsibilities, but was too raw, rough and possessed by what was politically occurring on the planet to be personally warm. As a teen, I railed against his railing pain expressed through his heated rages which constantly erupted in my childhood home. His woundedness ravaged me, forcing me into my own rebellion for liberation. Aquarius is an odd mixture of forces. Even while it carries the energy of community within it and the revolution of love, peace and flowers this song speaks of... its love is a different kind. Its not 12th House Agape, which is the spiritual love of Oneness with all creation. It isnt the nurturing love of the 4th House of Mother. Nor is it the love of the 7th and 8th Houses we hold in intimacy with our lover. It is the force of socio-political love. Activism. Revolution against injustice, which gets bloody at times. It is the love that cares for the earth. Takes out whaling boats. The love that pursues new technologies to serve the plight of humanity. And yeah, sometimes those technologies are messy and then it is the love that drives us to create NEW technologies to revolutionize the old. The Sun moves into this liberating sacred wild force of Nature tomorrow at 1:43am pst, January 20... with the Moon following right behind it. When they merge in the fertilizing darkness at 4:59am pst 0° Aquarius, our Solar consciousness and Lunar unconscious will be initiated by this sacred wild force of Nature, Aquarius. Venus and Mercury have been moving through Aquarius over the last weeks as well. And thusssssss alllllllll things Aquarius are wooooooooingggg us through the events of our lives, our dreams, our bodies, our emotions, our relationships, our work. Do you see it? Smell it? Feel a revolution seeking to occur in your life? In your relationships? In how you treat your body? Your work? Wherever you are needing to liberate, lean into this sacred wild force of nature that is now with us. The ruling planet of Aquarius is Uranus and is best understood through the myth of Prometheus, the god who dared to steal FIRE from Zeus so humans would survive. He was punished horribly for this act... chained to the mount and cursed with an eagle eating out his liver while alive... only to have it regrown each night to then have it eaten out again the next. Because he was a god, he was doomed to eternal suffering. Carl Jung taught this interpretation of the myth... “Genesis represents the act of becoming conscious as a taboo infringement, as though knowledge meant that a sacrosanct barrier had been impiously overstepped. I think that Genesis is right in so far as every step towards greater consciousness is a kind of Promethean guilt: through knowledge, the gods are as it were robbed of their fire, that is, something that was the property of the unconscious powers is torn out of its natural context and subordinated to the whims of the conscious mind. The man who has usurped the new knowledge suffers, however, a transformation of enlargement of consciousness, which no longer resembles that of his fellow men. He has raised himself above the human level of his age (‘ye shall become like unto God’), but in doing so has alienated himself from humanity. The pain of this loneliness is the vengeance of the gods, for never again can he return to mankind. He is, as the myth says, chained to the lonely cliffs of the Caucasus, forsaken of God and man.” C.G. Jung, Two Essays on Analytical Psychology, CW7, para 243. And thus, the curse my father suffered under. He was alienated by the knowledge he held about what was occurring on planet earth. People thought he was crazy. He acted like a madman as he watched a world continue to destroy itself through its brutal unconscionable acts toward humankind and the earth. That would make any intelligent human being mad. For many years I felt terribly alienated from humanity while I deepened into the study of the deep psyche through depth psychology, shadow work and the embodied arts. It had caused a revolution in my psyche! For the first time in my life, I was experiencing liberation from my wounds and conditioning. I knew few who had even heard about it, let alone understood the nature of this incredible power of healing and liberating forces living in the depths of the unconscious. Yet the other aspect of this archetype that Jung does not speak to, is that this pain of loneliness drove me to seek out and create community and teach others this work. Twenty years later, I am blessed by an exceptional community of ardent women pursing this work with me and intimate loves who live their lives in this sacred wild way. I am no longer alone. No longer alienated. That old story is gone. I encourage you to enter into some form of Dark Moon/New Moon ritual tomorrow or over the next days, so as to honor, dance with, and be blessed by the sacred wild forces of Aquarius and Uranus. They are here to support us all in our personal revolutions. And there is no greater revolution than liberating yourself from the curses which bind you. Viva la Revolution! Liberate Yourself! Liberate the World!
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 04:56:31 +0000

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