Aquarius Zodiac Horoscope for 2013 You are a mystery to many - TopicsExpress


Aquarius Zodiac Horoscope for 2013 You are a mystery to many people, Aquarius. On the one hand, you are friendly, loyal, and a great humanitarian. But on the other hand, you can be very private, extremely independent, and quite emotionally detached. Sometimes people dont know how to approach you, because although you can be very caring and helpful, you can also be contrary and seemingly unemotional. In 2013, you will need to make yourself more approachable if you want to forge deeper and more satisfying connections with those you love and with people you would like to know better. This may be hard for you because you are definitely a creature of habit and you are set in your ways. But if you can open up this year, it will have a profoundly wonderful affect on all aspects of your life. You are set to have great success whether you attain that goal or not, but if you do then each success will be far more meaningful. Love: Your love life may not have been very exciting in 2012, and youre probably hoping to turn that around in 2013. And the good news, Aquarius, is that you can. The more difficult news for you, though, is that to do so you will have to allow yourself to be more vulnerable. Work on opening up and revealing more of your inner needs and desires, and you could capture the attention of a special someone in the spring. If youre already in a relationship, allowing greater vulnerability will enhance the bond you already share. Family: For most Aquarians, family life has always been fairly satisfactory - but there may be a lack of warmth simply because you tend to not share your inner hopes and desires. Once again, you tend to hide your feelings and even those closest to you wind up wondering whats going on in your life. You may see a recurring theme here, Aquarius, but to achieve a closer connection to your family, you need to share more of yourself. Career: You have excellent prospects for attaining any goal you set in 2013. You may face a few trials and tribulations on the road to success, but with dedication and perseverance you will conquer any challenges that block your path. Make up your mind right now that youll ascend beyond any problems and keep your eye on the prize. If youre committed to success this year, you will have it. -- Copyright © DailyHoroscope. Download it now —
Posted on: Sat, 12 Oct 2013 02:19:27 +0000

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