Arab Open University Faculty of Business Studies, KWB T306B TMA- - TopicsExpress


Arab Open University Faculty of Business Studies, KWB T306B TMA- Fall 2013 Please read these instructions carefully. However, contact your tutor in case any difficulties with the instructions. You should submit your completed assignment to your tutor no later than December 7, 2013. Please use standard A4 size paper for your TMA. Your name, personal identifier, course and assignment numbers must appear at the top of each sheet. It is better to use double spacing so that you can easily handwrite corrections to your drafts and tutors have space to encourage with your points as you make them. Start each question or part/report in the assignment on a new page. All text should be word-processed, but, diagrams and accompanying notes may be hand drawn and hand written and on large sheets of paper please. Completing and sending your assignments When you have completed your TMA, fill in a new assignment form (PT3), taking care to enter correctly your personal identifier course and assignment numbers. Keep a copy of your TMA for security. The copy that is eventually returned to you after the assessment process will have comments written on it. All assignments are treated in strict confidence. It is very important that you ensure that your tutor receives each assignment by the cut off date given. If you feel that you are unable to meet the cut-off date for the TMA because of unusual circumstances, please contact your tutor as soon as possible to discuss a possible extension to the cut-off date. Plagiarism Access to other sources of information such as reference books or the Internet is encouraged. You may find it interesting to look there for additional relevant information. Very short extract from published sources may be included in context but you should avoid copying significant amounts of text from other authors. You should note that whilst the internet can provide lots of information much of it is not refereed and should be treated with caution. If you take material from the course or elsewhere and incorporate it in your answer word-for-word, you must indicate where you have taken it from. Not to do so it termed ‘plagiarism’ and is regarded as an infringement of copyright. To attempt to pass off such work as your own is cheating. You must therefore acknowledge all your sources of information. Plagiarism will lead to a loss of marks and extensive plagiarism could mean that you fail this TMA. For more information about what constitutes plagiarism or cheating you should refer to the current Assessment Handbook. What to do and what to submit to your course tutor. You are asked to submit 3 new pieces of work to your tutor for this assignment. You should produce: 1. A Tutor Report of about 2000 words that describes the situation you are addressing in course terms drawing freely on the concepts taught in T306. The discussion and argument should guide your tutor through your chosen method and demonstrate the progression and interconnectedness within your method from one stage’s outcome to the next. Your Tutor Report should include a range of diagrams to help your tutor make sense of the situation and subsequent analysis. It should also include the analysis method diagram and your Ethicality Statement. (60 marks) 2. A Client Report of about 500 words. This should be a briefing document aimed at your Client and in plain English that justifies and ‘sells’ the options for change and/or recommendations coming out of your study. (20 marks) 3. Project Log. The whole of this document can be seen as ‘the story of your Project’ and is in two sections. The first part – the summaries – can be an extract from your Learning Album if appropriate. These should consist of weekly or period summaries, whichever is appropriate to you and your style of working, detailing your progress through the Project production period. The second part is an overall summary where you are expected to reflect, in course terms, on your experience of putting your project together. This is very much an opportunity to communicate to your tutor how you have reflected on your learning and applied your systems thinking in practice (see Block 5). This item does not have a word limit specified but as a rough guide to upper limits: (a) The weekly summaries should be no more than 200 words each. (b) The overall summary should be no more than 1000 words. (20 marks) (Total = 100 marks) Your report should be based around an explanatory commentary in course terms that guides your tutor through your analysis and includes: 1. Your description of the problem situation using appropriate systems language where possible. This should be as presented to, and seen by you. Your data collection should have been completed. 2. An analysis method diagram illustrating the procedural steps through the analysis method you have adopted or developed together with a rationale for its use in this context. 3. Your Ethicality Statement. 4. A Stakeholder Analysis that identifies all the stakeholder individuals and/or groups who should be considered in some way in your study. 5. Explanation of any problems you encountered in this project and how you dealt with them. 6. A reflection on how your understanding of complexity has developed so far while engaging in this project. Good Luck,
Posted on: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 12:16:22 +0000

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