Arab and Tuareg ..... What conflict? Arab and Tuareg ..... What - TopicsExpress


Arab and Tuareg ..... What conflict? Arab and Tuareg ..... What conflict? When hundreds of Arab and tamachèques families live far from home and languishing under plastic sheets in refugee camps in Mauritania, Algeria , Burkina Faso , no water, no medicine, no schools At a time when women heads of household , noble , worthy who have never reached out in all their lives, scrambling , sweating , birth in the front row hangars UNHCR , begging a meager handful of wheat or beans; at where men and Arab and Tuareg civilians women remained in country, suffer abuses , free death and fall under the bullets of the Malian army when our unemployed youth left to themselves, suffer arbitrary arrests, the idleness , the weight of the exodus and exile ; when our children die by ten suites malaria, malnutrition , whooping cough in the camps of refuge, not content with bad spell we have enough of trailed years on the roads of war , exile , poverty , illiteracy , economic backwardness , intellectual, spiritual, and cultural , opens for us to complete , the ways of hell. Bad luck , leads us on the path of conflict , this time between ourselves Tuareg - Arab (as if we were two ) . We are already victims of our mistakes , victims of strikes in France, victims of multiple abuses and unjustified Malian army , victims of ECOWAS, victims of the East and the West, victims of our divisions , our differences , our deep left and stupid pride. What a pity ! What a disappointment! How sad to see people victim of its own history ! How sad to see a people threatened with extinction, lost people, hanged without leaders , abandoned by all, a war led to inter-ethnic people. That unfortunate people who suffered the combined assault of the fate of war, famines , the onslaught of cultural alienation and unhappiness , a victim of racism people , repeated and ongoing abuses by his enemies. This people is threatened with war , this time of war against himself, against his men and women against their camps, their own children or what remains . Here is a lost people, condemned to disappear to evaporate leaving finally the joy of his enemies drop to victory , pleasure finally to take his land, and enjoy at will. What madness , we want to take ourselves against ourselves and by ourselves ! What folly to turn our guns against us and why? Why , what argument any mobile push us to kill , to commit suicide together . Who among us carry the laurels of victory shameful to have defeated his brother, killing his brother to go to the following evidence as the son of Adam , greed , killed his brother before to regret ? How weak push us to listen to the one who will prepare us against each other ? We offer there as a reward after the package, if not his contempt? What would be the price of the blood of my brother paid by arrogance , selfishness , jealousy ? My Tuareg and Arab brothers Azawad , you are both lungs of the same body . You are two sides of the same coin. Think again. You are One and indivisible. The Azawad is you! If Azawad burns , it will burn for you, and if it becomes a paradise , it will be for all. Think again! You are related by blood , religion, culture , history and geography. You are united by the will of God by the burden of history, ruthless and implacable nature that you still suffer repeated attacks for centuries . Think finally ! Nothing and no one can oppose to the point of taking up arms against yourself. Have you thought for a moment to your brothers and sisters, your families living together , your camps who live together in fear and uncertainty. Have you thought about the thousands of families in neighboring Azawad and elsewhere who share the pleasures of the neighborhood, miscegenation , which share the same land transhumance, same wells , the same towns and villages , and the same penalties same joy ? Have you thought for a moment the gravity of your actions , with incalculable consequences of conflict on our azawadiennes populations already severely shaken by the tragedy they suffered for decades. Have you thought about the reaction of nomads we? Have you thought for a moment tear that cause such a conflict, the countless families related by blood and history , marriage , friendship ancestors , which may be separated by the escalation of violence. A conflict between you would be devastating , chaotic and sign your end all , because you share the same land , the same water points, the same mountains and the same valleys. Finally, do you really think you will steady entity without each other , even if France makes you think ? Think again! France will unleash . States do not have friends , they have only interests. I know you re not stupid. You can not achieve this degree of weakness for one moment believe that one of you can defeat the other, or get rid of unless you are totally blinded by pride and selfishness exacerbated . We , Arab-Berber populations Azawad do not need conflict . We have suffered enough. We have lost enough loved ones , men of great value and incalculable property. We have enough supported exile, inferiority complex, the bitter taste of loneliness, slavery in countries where we have been , after twenty years of living as foreigners. We are tired of this situation. Grace did not add . We are already exiles , do not make us a pariah . What do we stand united even , let alone divided ? Who benefits from this discord ? Who holds the strings of this sordid game where the only victim is and remains the only Arab-Berber community? Have we not enough internecine quarrels and barren ? We are two communities who have lived together and shared everything from sister communities who have never considered that the difference in dialect was a hindrance or barrier of some sort. Robbers, it s everywhere and anytime. In any herd , there are bad apples . Instability is a reality in Azawad , a mans land abandoned, uncontrolled , but inter-ethnic conflict will have unimaginable consequences that will only worsen our already precarious situation . Your area, my brethren, is the subject of multiple desires because it is full of riches , and the challenge it represents. Open your eyes . Any division will further weaken you and expose you . Stay united . Dear Tuareg and Arab brothers , your weakness lies in your division. Your common enemy rather see you weak and disunited to choose the right moment to bring you the final attack , the coup de grace . Today you build strength , Your differences are assets capitalize them . Do not get the war because you lose in all cases, and you will lose any point of view, both between yourself, face your common enemy. The consequences of inter-ethnic conflict far outweigh the causes of the conflict itself. Thats why I throw this urgent and solemn in my personal appeal, and this appeal do not assume that my single person. I appeal to those responsible you are, you are brothers , and aware and knowledgeable you are executives, to place the interests of our two communities above all. Forget your differences because you do not have, and give you hand. All disputes are solved when we agree to sit down , listen and discuss . I appeal to your common sense, your faith in God and patriotic sentiments and solidarity that motivate you . Measure the severity of the situation. We are still tribes and our commitment to the tribe is blind. In such circumstances our spontaneous reaction is highly dependent on our relationship and . Your division will affect our tribes , our fractions with everything as it will cause disastrous consequences .... . I sincerely hope that our brothers refuge camps in Algeria, Mauritania, Burkina Faso , Niger are coordinating committees (Arabic - tamachèque ) and organize inter-community meetings in the camps, to reassure families and block the path bird of ill omen . I invite Arab and Tuareg brothers , Nouakchott , Algeria , Burkina Faso to organize outreach missions in refugee camps in order to calm the spirits explain , reassure , remove doubt and suspicion , and restore confidence. Our comrades ARVRA very committed to the defense of our rights , are heavily loaded for this noble mission. Parents the Diaspora are also involved with their advice . Our webmasters Africa, the Maghreb, France , Belgium , Holland, Canada and the USA brethren, and all the friends and relatives of facebook are solicited. They are invited to appease the spirits with comments and constructive contributions. This instrument of communication and exchange is a double-edged sword . We must serve to bring us closer to each other for mutual enrichment , exchange and share our experiences. Our scholars and scholars , our marabouts and our brothers in the Dawa must invest everywhere preaching the gospel , reminding Muslims that we are in danger of fitna , and the reward of good deeds. I hope that this appeal be heard and echoed everywhere. Those brothers and friends, the good wishes of peace -loving , and approve and share content, the relay around the world so that together we can nip in the bud this dangerous threat to us and to the stability of our region. This is serious . May Allah Almighty guide our steps to the path of reason and light Amen !
Posted on: Tue, 26 Nov 2013 00:06:41 +0000

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