Arc de Triomphe! Yesterday we enjoyed an unbelievable quiche - TopicsExpress


Arc de Triomphe! Yesterday we enjoyed an unbelievable quiche lunch at a little hole-in-the-wall restaurant that was *seriously* smaller than my bedroom back in GA! :-D But it was AWESOME! The quiche? To DIE for! We finished with a cappuccino and began to make our way over to the Arc de Triomphe! WARNING! If you have never been there, make sure you have the fitness level of an Olympic athlete or you may not make it to the top! :-D It totally took us by surprise! It doesnt LOOK that tall, and anyhow, Im wasnt worried! Im thinking Elevator, right? WRONG!!!! About 62,347 steps up a tiny twisting staircase of death! :-D Kindly scroll to the image of the marble carving of the mans head. THAT was MY exact expression when I realized how many steps we had to do! :-D I think I spoke to Jesus on the way up! Im not sure if he answered me though because I could barely hear anything over the blood pounding in my ears and my own ragged breathing! :-D But we finally made it, and the view was amazing (as you will see!) On the way down, they were doing some sort of a honorary ceremony with a band playing and everything - were not sure what it was about (because it was in French) but it was lovely to see as we exited the Arc de Triomphe. Having already eaten all the fondue available in Paris (which may have something to do with that ragged breathing and blood pounding in our ears on the stairs!) we dragged our tired heinies to a lovely Japanese restaurant for a lovely light meal. Well. That was our INTENTION. And it WAS light...except for the icecream (lychee, green tea, and black current) AND the bottle of Sake. Ok - TWO bottles of Sake....the waitress brought us another one just to be nice! Who were we to refuse her hospitality?! :-D But youre right! That doesnt explain the croissants, and chocolate baguette, and free pastries that the bakery threw in on our way home! People have been SO sweet and SO accommodating on our trip! And we have been so delighted and grateful! And then, we waddled our Sake-soaked heinies HOME. Whew! What a day! See the next video for a look around at the top of the Arc de Triomphe!
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 22:01:37 +0000

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