Archangel Gabriel The messenger of Spirit, Archangel Gabriel - TopicsExpress


Archangel Gabriel The messenger of Spirit, Archangel Gabriel brings us good news in abundance! The energy of Archangel Gabriel is used to draw many messages of good news that uplift out spirits and help us to feel more fully connected with the Universal mind and flow. Gabriel alerts us to be awake and aware, to pay attention to what messages we in turn our giving out to the world and Universe each day so that only the best may be sent out to return to us as even more beneficial energies. Gabriel is known as the messenger of God and the bringer of good news and hope. It is this Archangel that was said to have appeared to Mary to give her news of the impending birth of Christ. Gabriel brings news of ones spiritual destiny, that which the soul has agreed to embark upon in this lifetime. Gabriel also teaches us that no destiny is more important than another, it is just a high a destiny to tend sheep in a field as it is to be a Spiritual Leader or guru. Gabriel holds the books of knowledge, he was with Spirit at the beginning of creation and noted in his records the destiny and focus of each individual Soul as it was brought into being. This makes this Archangel of extreme importance in understanding ones path through life and its overall greater significance. Gabriel is said to appear to them who are ready to grasp and move forward on their destiny and in so doing Gabriel brings an ever increasing abundance of messages and hope that what one is seeking may be manifested or accomplished. Gabriel speaks to many through the heart, not the mind. It is through the voice of emotion, when one thinks of a path and feels the heart and soul soaring, that is Gabriel bringing the message that it is indeed the proper path to pursue. Part of the job of this Archangel is to make us more aware that we are always receiving messages from the Universe, they are all around us and yet so often we walk right past the signs and omens that were designed to answer our every question or the signposts that point the way to our greatest success and fulfilment. Working with this Angel helps to instill a sense of childlike joy and wonder, turning the process into a game in which one asks a question of the Universe and then sees how many signs one can find in a single day. The means through which the Universe and this Archangel uses to answer questions we have been asking or to send us the sign posts as to which way we need to turn in our lives next is truly extraordinary. Even simple tasks such as going to the supermarket and noting which items seem to be calling your attention, noting what the person behind or ahead of you in the queue is saying to someone else, seeing something in the sales bin that relates directly to your question in some way (and shows that the solution or answer takes less time and energy than you might have thought!) can be used as a guideline for greater awareness. Gabriel is also the bringer of resurrection and the knowledge that nothing ever dies but simply changes to a different form and is born anew in other realms of existence. For those whose life path involves channelling in all its forms, Gabriel is present, helping to keep the airways clear and to help the channel to focus upon the highest and purest aspects of the messages. This Archangel when called upon will greatly assist the channel in tapping into their highest guides and teachers that information that can truly serve and support others may flow easily. At times the messages that come through may sound harsh to some and yet Gabriel seeks to bring awareness above all and will use any means possible to get the message across in the way the person needs to grab their attention. Gabriel has been known to bring messages of good cheer and hope as well as words and dreams of warnings. Yet as with all things on this level of the Universe he will not interfere with anothers free will. It is his purpose to deliver the message and then to stand aside and allow the individual to act or not act upon it as they see fit. One know that it is indeed Gabriel who is speaking to one when the emotions come into play and the taking or not taking of action brings either great joy or a profound sense of relief, even though it may be tinged with some sorrow. Gabriel brings us messages yet we must act upon them in ways that are practical and appropriate. At times people have difficulty acting upon the messages as they feel the steps will be too difficult or the process will take too long instead of focusing on what other treats and surprises could come out of the steps, benefits that we would never have been made aware of had we not taken even those first few steps. As one person found by acting on the messages this Angel was sending her, she made a wonderful new friend, she learned how to properly manage her money for the first time in her life, her belief in her ability to create what she desired sky rocketed and many small gifts and blessings were strewn on her path, all because she choose to heed the messages that the Universe and Gabriel were bringing her! She found the process fun and enjoyable, not a painful torture as she had first assumed it would be! This Angel has appeared to you today to bring you messages of hope and good cheer as well as to signal that it is time for you to begin to become more aware of all the messages that the Universe and he are sending you. You may have a need for some answers to some difficult questions or you may have been wondering if things will ever improve in your life! Gabriel has appeared to say that they shall yet you must also look at the theme or focus of the messages you have been receiving so you will know what actions to take. Think carefully about what you are saying to others and what they are saying to you. Do these words serve you or hinder you in your life? Are they positive and uplifting or do they focus on negativity and lack? Like all the Angels, Gabriel will never judge you for anything you think or say! Yet he will urge you to focus on those things that bring you a sense of joy, peace and gratitude for the great mystery that is all of life. What to watch for with this Angels presence: While working with this Angel do not be surprised to hear car horns with increasing frequency as they are heralds for Gabriels approach, to alert you to news that is coming your way that will be highly advantageous if you act upon it. An increase in emails seems to be quite common when Gabriel is afoot. Often people notice a common thread that runs through each one that is a signal to pay attention! For example, if one is getting numerous emails containing information or news about poor health, this may be a sign to you to make sure you are doing all you can to stay healthy. If you have been concerned about a possible health issue, Gabriel may be urging you to have it looked into now before it grows into something more difficult to manage! If the emails are about financial woes, what are your own thoughts about money and prosperity at this time? Everything that comes to you is a message from Gabriel and the Universe! You may start to have some thoughts popping into your mind that will surprise or even shock you, yet it is important to note that the stronger emotional reaction you have to them the more you need to heed them! Ask for further validation and simply watch to see what comes. Notice what others say to you that fits with what you have been thinking about. When you ask Gabriel for confirmation that what you have been pondering is true he always acts swiftly so heads up! You may feel more inclined to spend time in meditation or reading inspirational books. Gabriel is encouraging you to do so for he knows how important it really is to fill our minds with positive words for they shall spill out into every aspect of your life. One way to work with the energy of Archangel Gabriel is through affirmations. Gabriel loves affirmations for they inspire us, fill our minds and hearts with hope for a more positive present and future, and support us in turning the great power we all carry within to manifesting the most wonderful life we can think of! Or you may choose to read a few pages of an inspirational book each day, one of my favourite things to do. Its truly amazing how effortlessly ones life can change for the better when we focus on the good that life has to offer! Another way to work with Gabriel is to write down a single question that is most pressing for you at this time. At the end of each day, reflect back at all that happened. Was there anything that sticks out as a possible answer? Chances are you will begin to note a thread that runs through your day, this is Gabriels way of giving you your answer!
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 16:08:13 +0000

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