Archangel MiChael We speak of enrgy signature, for it is - TopicsExpress


Archangel MiChael We speak of enrgy signature, for it is important for you to understand that the thoughts you are having, the beliefs and experiences you have do not happen and then they are done. The thoughts that you have continue to spiral around you in your energy signature until you consciously change them or until you come in contact with another, and from that interaction your energy may be improved or uplifted if you come in contact with someone who is joyous and loving, who has an auric shield of joy and love. In this instance you will be benefited in a positive way. But when you are required to talk to or perhaps even to walk by someone who is a negative vibration, this interaction too can have an effect on you. It does not have to, and will not if your auric shield of joy and love is strong and intact, but as I mentioned earlier, if you yourself have a bit of doubt creeping in, this magnifies, this draws the doubt of the other, it opens the door for more of that which you do not ultimately want, to be woven into your energy signature. And so from one interaction, your vibration can shift. You have the choice at any time to call in your angels, to call in I Archangel Michael. And you see, your every interaction impacts your energy. And so when you call in angels and say, “Take this heavy vibration away from me,” which we do now and we release it into the light and we flow joy and compassion and light your way, you are able to feel uplifted, you are able to return to centered state of being, you are able to return to love. Your interaction with angels can help you turn the page, can help you to shift your vibration even if you have just spent 10 years with the most negative person you can think of. Call in your angels, call in I, Archangel Michael, and simply think or say, “Help me. Take this negativity out of my aura, out of my mind, body, and spirit and release it into the light. Help me to tune into the love of the universe that is present, help me to tune into the joy of the universe that is here,” and we will. We flow on strands of light now joy and love your way. Let these in by simply thinking, “Yes. Yes to joy and yes to love,” as your energy signature is now realigned for the highest and greatest good and attuned to divine love and joy which serve you, which protect you, which bring you into alignment with manifesting positive blessings in your life. You are, you see at a powerful point of new beginning now, with joy and love in your aura and in your energy signature, as you intend, as you plant the seeds of intention and begin to embark upon your new journey, joy, and love will usher in the positive blessings you seek. Yes, there’s action that is required on your part, but understand that following the path of joy and love will make knowing what actions to take, more clearly visible and will make the inspired action you take more powerful. Let joy in, let love in, let these energies lift your vibration for we flow them your way now... Let this interaction with the angelic realm now be a turning point for you, let it be an awakening, let this interaction inspire you to remain in joy and love and then, you see, in your encounters with others, you can inspire healing, blessings, joy, and love in their life by simply maintaining a positive vibration of your own.
Posted on: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 23:07:43 +0000

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