Are Awards Important In The Entertainment Industry At - TopicsExpress


Are Awards Important In The Entertainment Industry At All? Every February, I gear up to watch each and every major film nominated for an Academy Award. I fully trust these films will impress and entertain me because of the credibility bestowed by their nominations. So do I look out for those nominated for the Grammys, Ghana Music Awards, Ghana DJ Awards, Ghana Movie Awards, 4Syte Music Video Awards. They are, by the simple virtue of their selection, deemed to be the best. Everyone may not necessarily agree, but we come to know popular and successful actors, actresses, DJs, musicians and the like through these award-winning nominations and achievements. The same can be said for business. How often do we find ourselves looking for credibility before we purchase something new? With CIMG, we constantly seek companies boasting four or five stars in ratings or with a “Best Of” award under their belts. In this type of environment, it is crucial for any business to gain recognition for its outstanding achievements and innovative services or products in order to distinguish themselves from competitors. Therefore, business or industry awards must not be overlooked or forgotten, especially given the current economic climate where competition for new customers is fierce. Awards can contribute to successful public recognition in the following manner: Visibility. Awards can help garner a significant amount of visibility in a certain market or industry, and attract new customers, investors and donors by giving an individual or organization an edge over its competitors. Validate. Awards speak volumes about a brand and substantiate their credibility. Even an award nomination can be helpful because it validates a nominee’s leadership in its given market and proves it is ahead of the curve. Testimony. Winning an award or even being nominated serves as testament to one’s work ethic, dedication and unique specialty. New customers will likely consider a musician’s work over another if he has has won an award. Furthermore, current fans may view the award as a good thing, reinforcing their loyalty and willingness to share information about an artiste. Reputation. An award can improve the perceived reputation of a singer, DJ, actor, new customers, donors, investors and the like. Recognition may transform an artiste’s reputation from “pretty good”, to excellent. Differentiate. An award sets a brand apart from competitors and differentiates the quality of its achievements and services from others. An award helps a brand stand out for excellence over and above many others in the same industry. Given the contributions and impact awards can have on artistes, fans and the company itself, it can be important to make submission for awards a critical part of any marketing or public-relations plan. How have awards impacted your business in the past? We would love to know what helped you succeed in winning a certain award. By David Quaye
Posted on: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 17:03:40 +0000

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