Are Christians exalting Satan when they us the name Lord? The - TopicsExpress


Are Christians exalting Satan when they us the name Lord? The Lord, ha baal, is repugnant to Yahowah, and his desires are the opposite of Yahowahs. Yahowah wants us to stand up and walk with Him. The Lord wants us to prostrate ourselves before him. Yahowah wants us to get to know Him and, as a result of knowing Him on the most intimate level, to fall in love with Him. The Lord wants us to worship him. He demands it of everyone, regardless of which god theyve imagined themselves to be dealing with. Yahowah encourages us to listen carefully to His words and to thoughtfully consider them so that we can make informed decisions that result in good for our lives. The Lord commands his followers to obey him without question or hesitation, threatening them with eternal torment if they do not comply. The concept of obedience is the cornerstone of the religions of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, but it has no place in a loving relationship such as the one our Maker wants to have with us. Yahowah, Who created the Hebrew language, deliberately did not include a word for obey. Instead, we are encouraged to shamar His Towrah. That is, He wants us to listen to, to closely examine, and to carefully consider His advice and instructions. He never gave us anything called The Law, either. The Hebrew word Towrah means teaching, guidance, instruction, and prescriptions for living. It does not mean law. Religion binds us with laws. In fact, the very word religion comes from a Latin word meaning to bind again! Yahowah frees us from the bondage of religion with His teachings, with His advice, through His means of resolving conflicts, and with His prescriptions for living. He is all about freedom. It is the adversary who is into servitude, grovelling worship, and forced compliance. Punishment is also a favorite threat of religions. Obey the Lord or burn in the unquenchable fires of a sinners hell forever and ever. The truth of the matter is that Yahowah has reserved punishment only for those who lead others away from Him, and that punishment is not one of active torture. The punishment for those who lead others away from Yahowah and His Towrah is to be imprisoned in total darkness and isolation, alone with their memories of how they deliberately blew it. Yahowsha described it as a place where there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth. Everyone else, the vast majority of souls, will just die when their bodies die. The soul that sins will die, Yahowah declares through Hezeqel (Ezekiel). He never says that He will torture the sinner forever and ever. That is a religious myth being used with varying degrees of success to control the masses. What all this means is that for centuries Yahowahs Name ( יהוה ) has been replaced with one of the Adversarys titles, while His real Name has been kept hidden. It means that every day English-speaking people around the world are referring to Yahowah, our God, by His worst enemys title. It means that Christians and Jews alike are disrespecting the very One they claim to love every time they call Him the Lord! Yah is giving us a gift / Mattanyah / Matthew 7:21 Not anyone who says to me, Lord, Lord, will enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. Popular English Bibles translate the beginning of the passage as Not everyone. However, that translation is incorrect, which becomes obvious when the passage is taken in context with the rest of Yahowshas message. Yahowsha, Yahs Prophet errantly known as Jesus Christ, goes on to say that His reaction to those religious enemies who rejected Yahowahs Towrah and who addressed Him by the Adversarys title will be, I never knew you. Get away from Me, you who practice Towrahlessness! They will whine and plead in terror that they did miracles and great things in His Name (which of course they didnt because they didnt know it or because they refused to use it). And He will tell them, Get away from Me! I never knew you! If you are a Christian and that bit of rock-solid fact doesnt give you pause, then you are in serious trouble. Are you one of those who calls our Creator by His greatest enemys title? If so, then stop it. Why do the most popular commercial English translations of the Scriptures replace Yahowahs Name with His enemys favorite title? Bible publishers scream loud and long that their Bibles are literal translations from the best manuscripts, or that theyre the very best possible interpretations of what the writers meant to convey, but those claims are easily proven false. Why are we being lied to? What is the purpose of all the deception? There are two answers. The purpose as far as ha satan is concerned is to get us to miss out on a relationship with Yahowah. He is forever separated from Yahowah with no hope whatsoever of reconciliation. His goal is to see to it that as many of Yahowahs little creatures as possible share that fate. The purpose as far as man is concerned is power and riches.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 07:39:43 +0000

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