Are Democrats In The Senate Really Supporting ISIS Terrorists? - TopicsExpress


Are Democrats In The Senate Really Supporting ISIS Terrorists? Social media sites are flush with postings from Islamic terrorists who are saying that plans are already underway to send American citizens and legitimate passport holders who have joined ISIS back to the United States to commit unspeakable acts of terror on U.S. soil. And yet, in spite of this imminent threat, key Democrats are intentionally blocking the only legislation that can stop this coming disaster... Ted Cruzs Expatriate Terrorist Act of 2014, and its up to patriotic Americans, like you, to stand with Ted Cruz, deluge these elected officials with calls and faxes and demand that they pass the Expatriate Terrorist Act of 2014 now... before it is too late. Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent Blast Faxes to each and every Republican Member of United States Senate. Yes Floyd: Send My Faxes Its Almost Unthinkable But Innocent Americans May Be Brutally Murdered Because Democrats Are Blocking Legislation To Stop ISIS Heres what Senator Ted Cruz said right before Democrats BLOCKED his legislation to stop acts of ISIS terrorism on U.S. soil If we do not pass this legislation, the consequence will be that Americans fighting alongside ISIS today may come home tomorrow with a U.S. passport, may come home to New York or Los Angeles or Houston or Chicago and innocent Americans may be murdered if the Senate does not act. And Democrats are not only presently blocking Ted Cruzs Expatriate Terrorist Act of 2014... theyre lying as to why theyre blocking this key legislation that could save American lives... and theyre blocking it because they believe the American people are too stupid to see through their idiotic political games! Speaking for her fellow Democrats - and with the assistance of the ACLU - Senator Mazie Hirono (D-HI) blocked Cruzs unanimous consent motion to pass the Expatriate Terrorist Act of 2014. Seeking cover for her treasonous act, she lied... she falsely claimed that Cruzs bill would affect fundamental constitutional rights and she added: Legislation that grants the government the ability to strip citizenship from Americans is a serious matter, raising significant constitutional issues. But theres one huge and glaring problem with Hironos pathetic excuse. The Expatriate Terrorist Act of 2014 is actually a bill to simply amend EXISTING law, specifically 8 U.S.C. 1481. Among a long list of other actions, under 8 U.S.C. 1481, one is already considered to have voluntarily renounced their U.S. citizenship if they serve in the armed forces of a foreign nation that is engaged in hostilities against the United States. And the Expatriate Terrorist Act of 2014, simply adds that joining with a designated terrorist organization that is engaged in hostilities against the United States to the long list of actions that one can take to voluntarily renounce their U.S. citizenship. Yes Senator Hirono, legislation that grants the government the ability to strip citizenship from Americans may be a serious matter but it is ALREADY THE LAW! And its been the law for approximately 75 years! So whats the wrong with adding those who leave the country and join recognized and designated terrorist organizations that are engaged in hostilities against the United States to the list of those who voluntarily renounce their U.S. citizenship? And what is wrong with barring these individuals from coming back to the United States? The answer is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Hirono knows it... her Democrat partners-in-crime know it... and while some of them may be under the delusion that their childish behavior is just politics-as-usual... its not... theyre emboldening an enemy... and theyre placing American lives in imminent danger. Theyre simply relying upon your ignorance by raising a totally phony civil liberties argument, and if patriotic Americans dont speak up, right here and right now, to expose this treasonous lie, theyll proceed under the assumption that they can get away with it.
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 22:20:28 +0000

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