Are Government departments privy to relaxed taxation laws that we - TopicsExpress


Are Government departments privy to relaxed taxation laws that we mere mortals are not? I only ask because, so far, the only costs confirmed for last years pilot cull have come from private sources, the farmers involved or the police... Almost twelve months later, Defra are still reviewing their side of the bill. We dont know how much the traps cost, how much it cost for the AHLVA to perform their autopsies, how much the initial contractor training was, the cost of monitoring, the cost of the IEP, licensing expenses and so on... Normal businesses have to retain receipts, maintain accounts and release the documents - or face auditing from the tax office. If I create a job proposal at work with one of our clients, I have to account for budgeting in order not to exceed my budget... Is this different if you are Defra? Could it be that the expense of the pilot culls cost far more than has been speculated? I mean, if it were less, surely theyd willingly release the paper work... Just like theyd release the documentation proving that the badgers they shot were all terminally ill... Or the data from the national badger population survey (which concluded a year ago), to prove that badger numbers had exploded... They might even reply to FOI requests without censoring the publications and meaning high-court judgements are required to get an answer... This whole policy, from the reason it was implemented, to the way it was executed is about as transparent as concrete. Seriously, if you dont want people asking awkward questions, stop being so underhand and sneaky.
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 08:44:48 +0000

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