Are We True Muslim? I am sorry to say and most of you might - TopicsExpress


Are We True Muslim? I am sorry to say and most of you might find my words a little harsh but I have to say this: Most of us from childhood have been taught how to become a hypocrite. Instead of becoming a true Muslim a sincere human being, we are taught to become a long tongue for nothing. Within the context of Islamic education, the Muslim upbringing today may be solely focused on spiritual and ritualistic aspects (praying, fasting, etc.), while ignoring the morals and values that these rituals are meant to instill in the individual in first place. We all know people who may pray five times a day and fast yet fail to epitomize good Islamic morals and etiquettes. On a smaller scale, most of us in one form or another may be guilty of maintaining double standards ourselves. We Stand To Prayer In Front Of Our Creator With Humility Yet Fail To Demonstrate Humility To Our Families And Other People. We May Read The Quran But Our Character Is Not That Of The Quran. We Exercise Patience In Refraining From Eating And Drinking When Fasting, Yet Fail To Show Any Patience When It Comes To Worldly Matters. Based on general observation of increase in social evils within Muslim communities, it is safe to attribute the root cause to not investing enough in inculcating adequate Islamic etiquettes and morals. Education and knowledge in Muslim households, like others, instead focuses mostly on career building. No one denies the need for education that is required to advance oneself economically and for the betterment of life in general. However, knowledge and education required to instill moral values must also not be ignored. The focus today may be more towards the building of human beings into entrepreneurs, doctors, engineers and so on instead of making humans beings human. As A Result... A Number Of Us Are Succeeding Economically But The Question Remains Whether We Are Truly Happy... Within Our Families Communities And Societies At Large? Whether We Truly Behave As Muslims And The Representatives Of Islam? Are Our Characters Such Which Can Attract People Towards Islam? Conclusion Actions Are Louder Than Words! Islam Is A Religion Of Action! The Prophet Of Islam, Muhammad (PBUH) Came As A Mercy For Mankind! Allah Says About Him That He Came To Epitomize The Best Character! Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) promised a place in the middle of Paradise for a person who has good conduct and manners. Jarir bin Abdullah said: The Messenger of Allah said that Allah will not show mercy to someone who does not show mercy to people. The books of Islam are replete and resplendent with words of mercy, manners, good conducts and behaviors. We ought to inculcate them. We Need To Apply Some Of Our Own Perfume Before We Start Stinking With Our Own Sickness. Islam Is A Duty And We All Are Equally Responsible. May Allah (SWT) Allow Us To Become Real Muslims, Ameen!
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 06:31:24 +0000

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