Are You Doing Your Part? Ephesians 4:1-3 4 I therefore, the - TopicsExpress


Are You Doing Your Part? Ephesians 4:1-3 4 I therefore, the prisoner in the Lord, beg you to lead a life worthy of the calling to which you have been called, 2 with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, 3 making every effort to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. In the book of Ecclesiastes 4:9, it tells us that it is better to work as a team; therefore we often find ourselves working with others to accomplish a task. When you find yourself working as a team in any given situation; the easiest thing to do is to blame someone else for the issues that you encounter. The writer of Ephesians 4 is challenging us to look at ourselves, take a mirror shot and make an assessment of where we are. The only person that you have the ability to change is any situation is you. We have the ability to change the things we do and the things we say. Ask yourself, “am I doing my part, am I living the life of the one that I profess to be?” The writer tells us the part we are to play. We are to walk with an understanding that all gifts are from God, including yours and that everyone one on your team is gifted and important. We are to have a temperament that is not easily provoked and one that does not provoke others; coupled with the ability to withstand hardships, adversity, and stressful situations, without giving in. The one that serves Christ and professes Christ supports their brothers and sisters with love, benevolence, affection, and goodwill. Lastly you must endeavor to disregard your thoughts and opinions and become one in Spirit with your brothers and sisters and promote peace, for blessed are the peace makers. Ask yourself, “am I the problem or the solution?” God knows your heart.
Posted on: Wed, 31 Jul 2013 18:39:24 +0000

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