Are You Failing Yourself? By Marni Spencer Devlin Failure Isnt - TopicsExpress


Are You Failing Yourself? By Marni Spencer Devlin Failure Isnt Always A Bad Thing When things dont turn out the way you plan... ... dont just do something - sit there! A project you worked really hard on, goes awry. You dont get the promotion you were gunning for. You had given it your all, worked really, really hard, but... Sometimes in life things dont turn out the way you plan. Could it be that the thing for which you tried to manipulate heaven and earth simply wasnt yours to have? We as Americans dont like to hear that. We consider it a personal failure when we dont reach a goal we have set for ourselves. When things dont go our way our tendency, is to try harder, work even longer hours and push even farther. We remember the tale of the two frogs that fell into the vat of cream. One gave up and died. The other however struggled and struggled until finally all his churning began to turn the cream into butter, which he used as a stepping-stone to climb out. Its what we tell out children in order to teach them not to give up. Its a good, necessary lesson to learn but it does not apply in all cases. Possibilities [Not] Unlimited We live in an infinite Universe, full of infinite possibilities but that does not mean that our individual possibilities are unlimited. On a fundamental level we are who we are and that is unchangeable. If you are born with blue eyes you can wear contacts to cover the fact but nothing can change the reality that your eyes are blue. Equally, you were born with a mix of gifts and talents and characteristics that are uniquely your own. The trick is to discover and then hone and finally express the highest version of yourself - to be exactly who you are. Then success is not far behind. When you try to be something youre not or do something youre not meant to do you are fighting the tides. An acorn cannot become an apple tree, no matter how hard it tries. When we struggle and struggle and success fails to show up it may simply be because weve been trying to turn acorns into apple seeds. No amount of determination will make it happen. When we struggle that hard to make something happen, we have to ask ourselves what is driving us? Where Theres A Will - Theres A Wall Get your ego out of the way and listen to your gut for a minute! Itll always tell you the Truth. If you really listen it will tell you that the apple tree you tried to make grow was never actually what you wanted. You were listening to your surface mind. Your ego was involved. Maybe you were chasing money or fame. Or someone else told you that you would be cool if you had it. You thought something on the outside would make you feel better on the inside, and that never works! When you are expressing an idea that originates from the real you, there is very little you need to do to make it happen. You do have to hone your qualities and become the best you, you can be. In other words you have to plant the acorn into the ground, give it some good soil, water it every now and again - and then get out of the way. The Universe does the growing. What will emerge is the strong, solid oak tree that was meant to be. The Universe does the work. You are not meant to work that hard! Listen within - what is it that you are truly passionate about? Thatll be your clue as to what your personal oak tree is. Hone your best qualities, the things you love most and bring them to excellence. That is how you create the conditions for your dreams to emerge. Then get out of the way. You are not meant to do the rest. Things will fall into place with great ease. Life is hard until you die is BS BS stands for belief system. Ultimately, thats the only thing over which you have control. Your beliefs are the only thing you can really change about yourself. Thanks for reading. If you know a friend who could benefit from this be their hero and forward it to them. Until next time!
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 01:17:50 +0000

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