Are You Gathered in HIS Name???? Matthew 18:20 Where two or - TopicsExpress


Are You Gathered in HIS Name???? Matthew 18:20 Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them Why is it that we tend to place TOO much emphasis on crowds ......on statistics ......or on the size of a particular group or movement?? ...... Sad truth is .....WE ......that would be EVERY one of us ......are too easily influenced by the “mob mentality” .......we are far too caught up in the desire to be doing what everyone else is doing ........and going in the same direction everyone else is going!! Did you know God is not concerned about numbers ......or popular approval!! ......As Jonathan observed before facing an ENTIRE army with only his armor-bearer beside him .......“there is no restraint to the LORD to save by many or by few” ....1 Samuel 14:6 .......For this reason ALONE .....We SHOULD more be influenced by this mentality .......A man with GOD is ALWAYS in the majority ...... In todays passage ....Jesus Promises His presence in even the SMALLEST gathering in His name ..... ........He is just as much INTERESTED in the struggling church He is in the megachurch .......He is just as PRESENT ......and ACTIVE in the SMALL prayer meeting He is in the Christian conference that fills a stadium!!!! The context of this passage ALSO important to note is a gathering for the sake of ironing out personal DIFFERENCES .....and possible OFFENSES in the CHURCH ...... So TRUTH is ......Jesus is not just present when we feel the emotional high of singing praises .......He is also present in the nitty-gritty work of personal ADMONITIONS .....and church DISCIPLINES ....... Jesus is concerned about PEOPLE .......He is NOT anxious about NUMBERS!! .......Jesus WILL bless the smallest group that is FAITHFULLY seeking HIS Glory .....AND ......OBEYING His Word!!!! See ....No matter what the circle ....the span of the circumference ......or the size of the crowd .......Its still all about JESUS ......He is interested in those who CALL on His Name .....Seek His Face .....and EARNESTLY walk in RELATIONSHIP with Him ......Where 2 or 3 are GATHERED HIS Name .....There He IS the MIDST!!! Extra Bonus!! .....look at verse 19 “Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven!! Good morning Heavenly Father ....Thank You for continually blessing me with Your Words of TRUTH ....Thank You for the ever guiding light that shines forth through the scriptures ....I am blessed every time I study and seek to gain wisdom from the Book of LIFE .......Bless my friends today with the simplistic truth of todays passage ....Help them to know that no matter the gathering ....if Jesus is the center ....and in HIS Presence is FULLNESS ......Bring victories to each and every situation .....Thank You Lord for being the center of my world ....go before me today as I walk in You .....As I encounter friends and family along the way me to be a conduit of Your liberty and freedom me to extend JESUS into EVER situation .....Thank You Father ......Amen!!! Be Blessed in the KNOWING today .....Call ...Seek ....Be EARNEST matter how small the crowd ....if HE is your CENTER .....if your Gathered in HIS name .....He IS There ....and You Are LOVED!!!!
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 15:19:57 +0000

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