Are You In Your Rightful Place? As many of you know my family - TopicsExpress


Are You In Your Rightful Place? As many of you know my family is being tested right now. I would like to let you all know that God has given Chris Lynn and myself peace about this. However, we realize that God allows storms in our lives for reasons we may not understand. We will take this situation and drain every possible ounce of good from it that we possibly can. Because God is good and in the long run we are confidant that good will come of this. Only a person of faith will understand this. So today the restoration begins. Part of it will be to share what God is doing in our family as we travel this road to glory. So my question today is, Are You In Your Rightful Place?. I can tell you without reservation that our son Zachary has not been in his rightful place. Wednesday night while Chris Lynn and I were entertaining a friend of ours in Clearwater, Florida, we received a call that turned our lives upside down momentarily. After we had learned the details, we went into our parenting mode to protect our precious son. Thankfully we had family and friends here in Louisville we could count on to intercede for us until we could get home. There are too many to mention by name, but we are eternally grateful. We had a 15 hour drive ahead of us and it gave us a lot of time to meditate and seek God. He was not hard to find. He gave us wisdom to handle this situation and a peace to realize that He has a greater purpose. If we stay faithful, He will battle our adversary. When we got about 20 minutes away from being with our 3 boys and our wonderful daughter-in-law, a sense of urgency came over both Chris Lynn and myself. It was a sense of wanting to hold our family in our arms. We knew that everything would be OK, if we could just hold our children close to us. Eventually that time came. We all cried and sat down and talked and sought answers as a family. We saw how God was moving with His hand of correction for His children when we wander too far away. We realize how His mercy did not let this situation go too far. It could have been much, much worse. The point I am trying to make is, once our family was together and talking to one another we were invincible with Gods guidance. Our son was not living in Gods will and was living a life of selfishness. But we know God is here to restore us, not destroy us. That is where we are. God, just like Chris Lynn and I, knows that feeling of a mother and father who just want to be able to hug their children and know at that moment that everything is going to be OK. So my question is, are you in your rightful place? Your rightful place is in the arms of Jesus. He wants to hold you! Mark 10:16 And he took them up in his arms, put his hands upon them, and blessed them. I am a flower gently fading, here today and gone tomorrow.
Posted on: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 17:51:54 +0000

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