Are You Modified? SANTO 7.13.15 (GMO) SANTO 7.13.15 is a story - TopicsExpress


Are You Modified? SANTO 7.13.15 (GMO) SANTO 7.13.15 is a story that shows our future in 2045 when over population has reached critical levels and food supply can’t keep up with demand. Poverty and hunger have become pandemic. Global biotech food giant SANTO has created strains of super food to feed the masses causing autoimmune disorders, food intolerance, and sterility in the process. Their new cure has proved even worse than the diseases they created: Santo lobbied and was given the right to make genetic enhancements to humans so they could again eat and survive on their created super foods. In that legislation, it also gave them the rights to own any human’s DNA and body that was modified. For those modified that were less then perfect, Santo had the right to recall. We follow Max, a working class family man who convinced his wife to allow Santo to genetically modify her so that they can overcome their infertility problems. When their daughter is born disabled, however, Santo recalls her and sends her to Deconstruction Camp. His wife disowns him. His daughter is dead. He is alone. Now he must save the life of another child that has been recalled if he is to expose the inequities and injustices of Santo to the world. #GMO #Monsanto #Santo #GeneticalyModifiedOrganisms
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 02:52:22 +0000

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