Are You Proudly Humble? A shew of wisdom in will worship, and - TopicsExpress


Are You Proudly Humble? A shew of wisdom in will worship, and humility, and neglecting of the body.... Col. 2:23 Blessed is that friend of the Bridegroom whose sole joy is in the Bridegrooms voice, who can face an audience and say: This is not my crowd, but Gods; not my message, but Gods; not my results, but Gods. Few attain unto this for sermonizing has supplanted witnessing. But some preachers with a zeal for selflessness only end up with a different kind of selfishness. Now and then I hear a vehement evangelist condemned for preaching in the energy of the flesh because he storms around in the pulpit. Now preaching in the energy of the flesh—the old Adam, the old nature—is a deplorable thing, but often we confuse it with energy of the body. To preach at all we must use energy of the body and if the Spirit uses plenty in some brother, do not label it energy of the flesh. Some need to move about livelier in the pulpit! Some preachers, for fear they will use words of mens wisdom, leave out all humor, epigrams, striking phraseology. But God uses all that, our Lord used it, Paul used it; and your refusal to use it may be false pride. Proud humility produces some dreadfully dry and dull sermons that sadly need seasoning with salt, though not, of course, with vinegar. Dont let the devil fool you into flat preaching. Shell the woods with any ammunition God gives you!
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 13:40:23 +0000

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