Are You Too Old to Teach - TopicsExpress


Are You Too Old to Teach Yoga? --------------------------------------------- When I founded Absolute Yoga Academy in 2006, I wasn’t sure what type of students we would attract. Would they be personal trainers? Yoga junkies? Retirees? Office workers? The answer was, all of the above! The diversity in age, nationality, and background at our average Absolute Yoga course is truly mind-blowing. To date, we’ve had students from over 51 countries ranging in a age from 17 to 73. There are typically 5 or more languages spoken over dinner at our courses, and we sometimes joke that it’s the “United Nations” of yoga. Absolute Yoga Academy graduates include former doctors, students, group fitness instructors, bankers, chefs, teachers, and every other profession you can imagine. When I meet a new training group, at first glance, they seem completely random, like an airplane full of strangers; but very quickly, it’s apparent that what unites everyone is their ambition for personal transformation and professional satisfaction. Yoga has had a huge impact on all our lives, and we want to share this powerful practice with others and create a fulfilling career at the same time. What makes Absolute Yoga Academy different is we’ve always focused on real-world, practical skills in our courses. This means our trainings are difficult and demanding, yes; but it also means you walk away with a real, valuable skill set that you can use for life. So is it possible to be too old to teach yoga? We certainly don’t think so, and our experience has been that the older trainees make excellent teachers and are often in very high demand in their local communities since older students often prefer a similarly aged teacher. And the younger teachers? They do great too. As senior teacher trainer, Harreson Martell always says, “The biggest problem in yoga is that there are not enough good teachers around,” and in most cities, this is certainly true. Any age, any level of fitness, any time… come to yoga, and we can sort you out. Teach yoga, inspire students, change lives… Stay bendy, Lucas
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 12:00:00 +0000

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