Are You a Willing April Fool? Where did this term “April - TopicsExpress


Are You a Willing April Fool? Where did this term “April Fool” come from? If you keep the biblical calendar ordained by YaHuWaH rather than the Gregorian Calendar, then you are an “April Fool!” In 1582, the Roman Julian Calendar was re-placed by the Gregorian Calendar decreed by Pope Gregory XIII. It was at this point, that Pope Gregory caused the new calendar date change at midnight instead of at sundown, and thus he changed YaHuWaH’s rendering of times and seasons according to the prophecy about the beast in Daniel 7:23-25. The prophecy states that the “beast shall think to change times and laws....” and this was one of the key identifiers that would cause the true followers of Messiah to recognize the office of the papacy as the office of the Anti-Messiah (Antichrist). Pope Gregory also changed the “New Year” back to January 1st just like Julius Caesar had done in 45 B.C. after the pagan god “Janus” for which the name “January” is named. He did this in order to manipulate the calendar so that “Easter” would fall closer to YaHuWaH’s Passover. The Roman Catholic Church would then be able to assimilate the pagan celebration of the “Queen of Heaven” aka the pagan goddess “Easter,” to our Messiah’s resurrection. The identity of the pagan goddess from Babylon called the “Queen of Heaven” (Jeremiah 7 & 44) had been conferred upon the mother of our Messiah (Miryam/Mary), by the Roman Emperor Constantine in the 3rd Century. The Catholic Catechism also states that “Mary cooperated in the crucifixion with Christ,” hence they also conclude that she bodily resurrected with him as well! The pagans from ancient Babylon believed that Semiramis (the wife and mother of Nimrod) was also resurrected on Easter Sunday as well (the Vernal Equinox on March 25th). See my other article entitled “The Queen of Heaven: Why Does the Church Celebrate Easter?” This pagan myth was then carried over into Roman Catholicism and that is why the papacy has continually had to find a way to make Easter fall in the same week as Passover. That is why changing the New Year was important for Pope Gregory. Back in those days, communication was not advanced like it is today, where news can travel by internet, radio, and television, etc., and so many people in other parts of the world had not been notified of the change. These people continued to celebrate the New Year on April 1st or sometime after the Vernal Equinox which fell around March 25th. This was much closer to the biblical reckoning as we read in Exodus 12:2 & 13:3-4 that the New Year was to begin fourteen days before Passover (in the spring) to commemorate the time when YaHuWaH delivered Yisra’el out of Egyptian bondage. But many Protestants refused to go along with Pope Gregory’s change to the calendar because they did not accept the spiritual authority of the papacy. These Protestants knew what the scriptures teach about when the New Year begins according to our Creator. And so those who rebelled against the papacy and thus resisted the Gregorian Calendar were called “April Fools.” All of this confusion and mixture began with the Roman Emperor Constantine who outlawed the true biblical Passover in the third century and instituted Easter Sunday instead as the supposed day of our Messiah’s resurrection. If the Romans had not rebelled against the Mosaic Law (Towrah) of our Creator, which tells us how to reckon times and seasons, our calendar would not be so messed up to this day. See my blog entitled “Times, Seaons & the Thief in the Night:” doubleportioninheritance.blogspot/2011/05/times-seasons-thief-in-night-when-is_25.html
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 16:07:37 +0000

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