Are Your Dogs Treats Safe or Dangerous? Dr. Jon - TopicsExpress


Are Your Dogs Treats Safe or Dangerous? Dr. Jon ([email protected]) Schedule cleanup 8:04 AM [Keep this message at the top of your inbox] Newsletters To: cproudfoot9171@live Picture of Dr. Jon To view this email as a web page, go here. Dog Crazy Newsletter Monday October 21, 2013 Are Your Dog’s Treats Safe or Dangerous? Hi Carol, Sometimes even the best intentions can have dangerous or even tragic results. As a good pet parent, you want your dog to have the very best life possible. That includes giving them everything that could possibly make them happy. One easy way that many owners show how much they love their animal companions is to treat them with a delicious snack. Our pets appreciate the treats and we get joy from giving them, so what could be wrong with a little extra goodie now and again? The problem is that all treats are not created equal, and what you may not know about some treats could put your dog in grave danger. Over the years Ive talked to a lot of other vets about treats. That includes my dear friend Dr. Debra at PetProductAdvisor, who has spent years and years studying the treats on the market. Together she and I have learned a lot about products, what dogs like, and what is safe. As you may recall, in 2007 several pets lost their lives after consuming contaminated dog treats imported from China. The terrible situation came about because production standards in other countries are often less strict as they are in the United States. Most dog owners didnt know this, and didnt realize that their dogs treats were made in a country with lax regulations (such as China) and exposing their dogs to harm. The treats in question were packaged and sold under U.S. brand names, but produced elsewhere. Thousands of animals became sick as a result of consuming contaminated treats, and many others suffered fatal illness. When owners became aware of the issue it led to greater attention to the dangers associated with imported treats. As a result, it also fed into a growing demand for natural treats that are made in the U.S.A. with U.S.-sourced ingredients. Two types of treats became much more popular during this time: rawhide chews and “bully sticks.” Today Id like to talk a little bit about them and help you understand which is better for your pet. Rawhide Treats: Are They Safe? It seems like rawhide treats have been around forever. These familiar chews come in lots of fun shapes and flavors, and dogs generally enjoy them. Theyre also very affordable and they last for a long time. But there are also some health dangers associated with rawhide treats, so make sure you understand the risks before giving your dog this kind of item. Rawhide is made from animal hide, which is not digestible. If your dog swallows a piece of rawhide whole, it can become a choking hazard. Swallowed rawhide cannot be digested. That means it must travel through your dogs digestive tract where the sharp edges of the undigested rawhide can cause internal damage. It is not uncommon for veterinarians like myself to examine an x-ray only to find obstructions from rawhide. In some cases they even require a surgery. Many owners find that rawhide treats dont fit into their lifestyle of reduced chemicals. Rawhide goes through a lot of processing before it is ready for sale, including a chemical process where it is washed with degreasers and detergents then sterilized in hydrogen peroxide. With these things in mind, you might want to reconsider the use of rawhide as treats. Bully Sticks: The Healthier Alternative These strange-looking snacks might look a little unusual at first but trust me: dogs go crazy for them. Unlike rawhide, bully sticks are made with the meat of the cow – not the hide – so bully sticks are more easily digestible. This eliminates the potential choking hazards and intestinal obstructions associated with rawhide chews. Bully sticks are a little more expensive than rawhide, but they are long-lasting and much safer for your dog. Plus bully sticks are natural and do not contain chemicals. After the dog treat contamination issues began in 2007, there was a growing demand for all-natural dog treats, including bully sticks that were American made. But did you know that most bully sticks are not made in the U.S.A.? Today Id like to tell you about a new kind of bully stick that is safe, tasty, long lasting, made in the U.S.A. of all-natural U.S. sourced ingredients… and it actually improves your dogs dental health. Merrick Flossies Spiral Chews are a great choice for a high-protein, digestible, long-lasting bully stick. Their unique textured spiral shape cleans the tartar from your dogs teeth as they chew. Not only will your dogs get a tasty savory treat, every time they chew theyll be improving their breath and cleaning their teeth and gums. I highly recommend Merrick Flossies Spiral Chews for dogs of all ages. It is the only bully stick I know of that is made in the U.S.A. from American cattle. These bully sticks are loved by dogs for their taste and loved by dog owners for their dental benefits. Right now you can get them on sale at Pet Product Advisor by saving 10% off with coupon code FLOSSIES-10. To learn more about Merrick Flossies Spiral Chews, visit PetProductAdvisor for a great deal. Until next time, Dr. Jon P.S.: Being uninformed can lead to unseen dangers. Always supervise your dogs with any type of chew to ensure they do not try to swallow it whole. Once a treat becomes small enough for a dog to swallow it, please discard it. TODAYS SPECIAL SAVINGS OFFER Rapid Bath Banner TODAYS PET TIP Choosing Toys There are many different types and styles of dog toys to choose from. Do you know which your dog would like best? To figure this out...consider how your dog likes to play. What activity does he like most? Is he a chewer? Does he like to fetch? Or does he like to play tug-of-war? Maybe your dog is a cuddler and likes snuggling up to soft plush animals? Pick his toys by his chosen activity. © Copyright 1999-2013 Intelligent Content Corp., All Rights Reserved Intelligent Content | 602 McNab Rd. | Pompano Beach | FL | 33060 This email was sent to: cproudfoot9171@live This email was sent by: Intelligent Content 602 McNab Rd. Pompano Beach, Fl 33060 We respect your right to privacy - view our policy
Posted on: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 14:28:54 +0000

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