Are all religions or paths of godly life equal, are they the same, - TopicsExpress


Are all religions or paths of godly life equal, are they the same, or is one better than another, in what way is it “better”. If they are all the same, then one can follow anyone. Why are there “different” religions at all? What is different about them? Vedas are wrong some say, quoting “women are inferior”, are they, what do we mean by it. What exactly do the Vedas say about that? In what other ways are the Vedas wrong that is quite a challenge that needs to be backed up. If a person doesn’t agree or understand something that in itself doesn’t prove it’s wrong. The words fanatic and fundamentalist are used, as if they are bad words, in the sense that anyone who may be one, (he or she is labelled btw), really is not well informed or they are blindly following. Why is this attributed to everyone, do we all follow blindly, and what does that mean? It seems the Vedas are very broad. Bhaktivinoda Thakura was very broad; he read the bible and Koran. I met a lady at the manor not too long ago, she had been to India, and one thing which stuck in her mind more than anything is the positive outlook they have generally to other religions Even Krsna gives Arjuna the choice. Prabhupada often said devotional service is voluntary. He also spoke very positively about Jesus, for example. I have listened many times to various conversations with Prabhupada and people from all walks of life. I have never seen a hint of, this is the best and only way, you are wrong, what you do is vastly inferior etc, he simply presented what we do and what we follow, he would see the similarities rather than the differences, the common thread. Now if some of you commenting attribute the fundamental and fanatic labels to followers of Krsna, you have to do the same with all “religions”, I am curious if you follow any path, also, if you ever joined a temple, if you did, and you no longer follow the way of life, what are your reasons. What prompted you to try the life a devotee of Krsna, I know some are curious, and stop such a way of life after some time, and feel it’s not for them, that’s fine, yet why do you feel the need to see all the “faults and negative” aspects, I put that in quotes because I do not agree with all you say, after all aren’t all our opinions according to you, relative anyway, this means you are not always right Our mantra is best? Well, comparative study is necessary. I think it’s about result. One can’t always chant anything, some chant mantras about their football team. We happen to chant the Hare Krsna mantra, is it “better”, are you sure it’s not, let us discuss! If you don’t trust any statement in the Vedas, what can be done, who can you trust in that case, your own mind, that is another debate in itself? Is your statement about anything right, then wouldn’t that make you a fundamentalist or fanatic? Is your opinion and position not also absolute, in that you decide, those who follow a religion are blind, fanatic, fundamental, somewhat pejorative terms, which people tend to loosely band about, perhaps to further make their position fixed and secure. There are many axiomatic truths, water is wet, fire is hot, man dies etc etc, these cannot be denied and labelled as relative opinion, or fanatical ideas.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 06:51:58 +0000

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