Are banks boarderline communist entities? We are asked to keep - TopicsExpress


Are banks boarderline communist entities? We are asked to keep our money in banks, who then pool the money together and loan it out to other people. That sounds a bit like a commune to me. Not only that, but when the banks make poor choices in who to loan our money to, our government steps in and bails them out with our tax money. Again, there is that idea of a commune, our tax money, our govenment. It seems kind of ironic that the right is so against communism, but so often supports the current state of economic affairs where they can borrow money from the community in order to gamble with it in our capitalist society. Its like a dirty little secret. Not only that, but both major parties want domination over the government, and they each perpetuate themselves via propaganda and the media, that is by the very definition, communist in nature. Then there is the idea of property, if the government can take it away, is it really ever owned by anyone other than the government? Even children can be taken into the custody of our government. If it is our government then that is a commune, if it is not our government then it is not by the people, of the people, and for the people. You may say, but I own this property, that may seem true, but if you dont pay your taxes to our government, then our government steps in takes it away and the property becomes ours. So was it ever really yours? It seems more like you were just renting it from us. Its definitly a complex situation, I just think its funny how someone can rant about the commies and then go to the bank and diposite his pay check into a XYZ Community Bank while complaining about what the government does with our taxes, borrow from a pool of money generated by his community, and then dream of better days in our nation, as if America doesnt have communistic properties. Worst of all is the man in the media who stirs up anger and hatred amongst the people in an attempt to perpetuate his political party of choice, or calls others Fascists and then goes into another nation and attempts to take it over by force in true Fascist nature (eghh emm #Putin ). com·mu·nism [noun] 1. a theory or system of social organization based on the holding of all property in common, actual ownership being ascribed to the community as a whole or to the state. 2. ( often initial capital letter ) a system of social organization in which all economic and social activity is controlled by a totalitarian state dominated by a single and self-perpetuating political party. dictionary.reference/browse/communism #America #economy #capitalism #communism #irony
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 18:20:36 +0000

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