Are the Koch Brothers targeting Florida next? Posted by - TopicsExpress


Are the Koch Brothers targeting Florida next? Posted by politicalscrutiny101 on May 1, 2014 at 8:50 AM The Koch Carbon lobby is working hard to spread their influence across the country, and we need your help to stop it. In their latest assault, these supposed scions of get-government-off-my-back libertarianism are funding state efforts to force environmentally-concerned Americans who have installed solar panels and small wind turbines on their property to pay—of all things—a surtax on electricity sold back to the grid. Oh, the irony. As The New York Times pointed in an editorial over the weekend: At long last, the Koch brothers and their conservative allies in state government have found a new tax they can support. Naturally it’s a tax on something the country needs: solar energy panels. Lawmakers in Oklahoma have recently passed a solar surtax bill, and the Kochs and their Big Carbon allies are launching similar attacks on clean energy policies in other states. Is Florida the next battleground? Not if we can stop them. Please send an email to your governor and state representatives urging them to reject these backward attacks on clean, renewable energy policies. In Charles and David Kochs topsy-turvy world, funding climate denialism seems like a twisted sport these two oil tycoons play just to rattle our cages—and line their own pockets. Undermining science and honest debate is one thing. But financially backing policies that block climate action and suppress clean energy innovation is where their destructive worldview sinks its jagged teeth into our efforts to make progress. More and more, this battle is being fought in the states. The Kochs and their Big Carbon allies are targeting hard-won renewable and clean energy policies that are making our communities cleaner and more prosperous. We can never outspend the Kochs and their allies. But, we can speak together and we can win. Please take action now to tell your governor and state legislators that you support strong clean energy standards in Florida. Urge your elected officials to stand up to the Koch brothers and their radical, backward assault on innovation and our cleaner energy future. Thank you for standing with us as we take on the Koch Carbon lobby. Your actions matter and we are grateful to be a part of this energized community of engaged environmental activists. Thank you, Heather Shelby Heather Shelby Action Network Coordinator Categories: Florida politics, KOCH
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 02:09:48 +0000

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