Are the protests in Tahrir square legitimate? Should the - TopicsExpress


Are the protests in Tahrir square legitimate? Should the government heed to the "demands" of the protesters? Morsi was elected into power through legitimate means. He earned the mandate of the masses through the ballot and thus he deserves to expend his tenure. If Morsi is removed, I fear that would set a dangerous precedent where a democratically elected ruler can be easily removed as long as a portion of the populace(be it the majority or not) takes to the street. Such a situation would lead to a politically unstable country and eventually result in a stagnant nation.Arbitrary removal of leaders will not augur well for the land of the Pharaohs. Moreover, the pro-Morsi protests in Nasr city also shows that the president indeed enjoys considerable support from some portions of the populace. With such a political quagmire staring Egyptians in the face, I reiterate my belief in the need for Morsi to be allowed to continue his constitutionally legitimated tenure and when the time for the next elections arrive, all and sundry make their voices heard through the ballot. Egyptians also have to be wary of the military which sees this as a goldmine to return to power. Remember how they supported the protesters in the first days of the Arab Spring but as soon as Mubaraq was removed from power, they made conscious efforts to entrench themselves in power.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Jul 2013 21:31:38 +0000

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