Are they trying to distract ME/CFS patients from what is really - TopicsExpress


Are they trying to distract ME/CFS patients from what is really going on? I have often wondered about the timing of this first-ever crowdfunding appeal by Dr. Ian Lipkin for his research. And now that Dr. Lipkin is going to London to speak in an arrangement with Action for ME and ME Association (both popular with Wessely and his friend Crawley), I have even more questions. Are the US government, phony patient organizations and Wessely and friends hoping ME patients will not notice what is actually going on, such as: 1. The IOM is in the process of redefining ME or ME/CFS into a multisymptom illness the same way it did Gulf War Illness, and recommend antidepressants, CBT and GET for ME/CFS patients just as they did for GWI patients. mecfsforums/wiki/2013_Contract_between_HHS_and_IOM and 2. The P2P is in the process of condemning ME patients to purgatory. Although P2P is supposed to mean Pathways to Prevention, they are not discussing how to prevent ME/CFS or ME. No, what they are doing is actually coming up with what definition will be used for research into ME/CFS and ME. As Susan Maier stated, The goal of the P2P is not to develop a research case definition. But to review it. Review the evidence in supporting all case definitions that have been used. This evidence-based review is supposed to eventually lead to: an objective description of the state of the science, a summary of ongoing research, and information on research needs.” (occupycfs/2014/01/06/behind-closed-doors/ ) In other words, they will examine the evidence-based studies of ME/CFS in which fatigued people were studied, and they will find that ME/CFS patients need antidepressants, CBT and GET. See: mecfsforums/wiki/NIH_P2P_Presentation_by_Susan_Maier_at_IOM_Open_Meeting_1/27/2014 and 3. FDA, with the cooperation of the CAA/SMCI and PANDORA (phony so-called patient organizations, is conducting its own Patient Focused Drug Development Initiative, which is most likely to recommend CBT, GET, antidepressants and pain medications for ME/CFS and ME patients. See: mecfsforums/index.php/topic,19444.msg159824.html#msg159824 and 4. The book, PLAGUE, by Kent Heckenlively and Dr. Judy Mikovits is due to be released for sale on Sept. 9, 2014. From what I have heard, this book tells the truth about what happened to Dr. Judy Mikovits research efforts on ME/CFS; and I believe many patients will be eager to know. So, with all this going on, perhaps the psych cabal needed to distract patients. This crowdfunding effort by Dr. Ian Lipkin would be a likely candidate to try to do this. It is especially odd since there are several other fully-funded research projects currently underway on the microbiome in ME/CFS patients and neither Dr. Lipkin nor his colleague who would actually be doing the proposed study if funding is obtained, Mady Hornig, are in the least interested in the research others are doing. Why not? If they were really interested in the microbiome in ME/CFS, wouldnt they want to know what other researchers are discovering. It is interesting. The CDC/NIH/HHS, the CAA/SMCI, PANDORA, Action for ME, ME Association and the Wessely/Crawley bunch obviously do not want us to notice the man behind the curtain. https://youtube/watch?v=YWyCCJ6B2WE Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.
Posted on: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 09:58:56 +0000

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