Are we ashamed of being Sikh? Are we ashamed of our Guru? - TopicsExpress


Are we ashamed of being Sikh? Are we ashamed of our Guru? Getting angry reading the above? Blood boiling? Ready to do anything? The answer is of course not we arent ashamed we are in awe that such a beautiful path and such holy beings have graced it and made it for us to follow like a clear bridge to carry us across the world ocean. Then Guru pyareyo why do you shy away when it comes to talking or listening about your faith your panth your rich history? Why do you get embarrassed and make up an excuse to go home? For the professionals amongst us why is the prayer room at work not used? No point looking at elders the antics are the same, Gurudwareh muu dekhaliya on special occasions after getting blinged out to go ppl take more time getting all done up to go to the Gurudwara then actually at the Gurudwara and when their there its like a social club... Maharaj says you can get a glimpse of Sachkhand at the Gurudwara and what do we do? we waste our opportunity each and every time till something goes wrong then we go running and start our demands in anger, why why why me? Imagine if you will going to any shop and complaining in the same way - they would chuck you out and ban you. This is the true game of love, approach it with love and the respect it deserves and listen to the lessons being taught and follow them then tell us if you ever have to see a sad day again. Sorry to be so blunt but one of the major philosophies of our Gurus and their actions were to put an end to all the false rituals and boasting of status, the mughals invaded india and began criticising Hindus for the caste system. Over time they themselves adopted it and egos began to spread and division - Sikhi was and is against this dont help promote false rituals if your going to go to the Gurudwara go with humility with the intention of respecting Guru ji and learning/ remembering his name...not the Langar menu Bul Chuk Maaf karna je ko galti hogi Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh
Posted on: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 20:09:27 +0000

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