Are we doing our TBWS exercises like we should? Well, you are - TopicsExpress


Are we doing our TBWS exercises like we should? Well, you are probably asking, what are TBWS exercises? TBWS stands for: Think Before We Speak. Approximately 5 years ago I were cleaning the daycare which is operated by the church that my wife and I were members of at the time. After completing the task it was my responsibility to lock up the daycare and secure the building by setting the alarm. I did. The problem was that at the time there were many people who had keys to the daycare, as they also used the daycare in the after hours for children ministry. However, not every person with a key had the code to the alarm. So, on my way home I got a call on my cell and it was the secretary from the church itself (the church and the daycare share the same location) telling me that the alarm was going off. So, Im almost home and Im tired and thinking to myself, well she has the alarm code and shes closer to the daycare than I am, why doesnt she just go over and shut off the alarm and call it a day? And that thinking manifested itself outwardly, because once I got back to the daycare, the police were there along with the secretarys husband. It was procedure for the police to respond to alarms so the officer was merely following protocol. But in my selfish thinking, I asked, why didnt the secretary come and take care of the alarm? And immediately after I had uttered the words I realized how uncaring and how unChristlike these words actually were. See, what if this had actually been a burglary? What if there were armed robbers in the place. This lady would have been putting her life and her body in jeopardy. I repented and immediately withdrew from that line of thinking. Sin begins as a thought. Thus, thinking before we speak actually begins with screening our thoughts. If we would weed out our bad thoughts more, we would find ourselves repenting and/or apologizing less. Sometimes we adopt the mentality of self-centeredness without even fully realizing that we are doing so. As Believers, we are under obligation to show love at all times. And not just show it...mean it. And how can we show that we mean it when we fail to properly articulate it in our speech and thought patterns, along with our mannerisms? Are your thoughts getting pass the security checkpoint unchecked? Scriptures tell us that the signs of wisdom is that we pay attention more and speak less. The less we pay attention and the more we talk on and on, the more likely we are to be sinning. Let us think before we speak. This also creates less warring. Be blessed. Agape.
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 23:38:01 +0000

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