Are we limiting ourselves in the names of religions and - TopicsExpress


Are we limiting ourselves in the names of religions and spirituality ? Well, we all know that today people follow religions because they were conditioned to follow a particular religion right from their childhood. Parents, family and friends , the society in general, all have contributed to this conditioning. But today when people say that spirituality is unique and puts us on the right track than the religions which just divides us in to different religions and castes, we often tend to believe it to be 100 percent truth and try to learn what spirituality means, how to be a spiritually awakened one and follow all the teachings of the so called enlightened / tightened people / spiritual leaders who are either propogating their learning / life experiences or spreading and sharing the knowledge from the ancient scriptures. When one spiritual leader says that all the practices adopted by our ancient saints were totally wrong and give a new way of life....that is to fully focus on the sensual pleasures with the real focus on being centered, to live gracefully. while other spiritual leader says to go along with the old and ancient ways of living as they have the real metal in them, the common spiritual aspirant gets totally confused. They then read the books on various authors who are considered to be spiritually awakened people like J. Krishnamurthy, Dalai lama, Confucious, Dayanand Saraswathi, George muller, Maharishi yogi, Sri Sri Ravishankar, Sadguru Jaggi Vasudev, Mata Amritananda mayi, Osho Rajneesh, Paramahansa yogananda, Pope, Sri Aurobindo, Chinmaya missionss Chidananda swamy, Swami Vivekananda, Khalil gibran, Rumi and many many other people who have spread across the invaluable messages , as perceived by the readers and when people are convinced through their teachings they become their disciples / followers and exactly try to follow their teachings as the golden rules of life. While these messages are the result of their own life experiences or mixed with those ancient wisdom of the scriptures written by the so called perceived to be enlightened masters of the past. All the above so called awakened people have lived their lives with their own perspectives and people then try to copy and try to live their lives and start to ignore their own life experiences, get stuck in a cage / a box where their thinking ability comes to a minimum within those boundaries of the box. They then are not open to other experiences that come to their door steps every moments in their lives. They are not open to new ideas or possibilities and are stuck within the four walls of their beliefs or the perspectives of their influences. Is this spirituality in its truest sense ? Is such kind of spirituality not dividing people based on different theories and principles of different awakened people ? is this kind of spirituality not following on the footsteps of the religions. Is it the same old wine in the new bottle ? Are we not dividing ourselves by labelling us as theists, atheists, agnostics and what not..... Is this the right time to ignore all others and delve deep within and follow what our heart says....unlearn all those things that we have learnt ? and start afresh just like erasing entire hard disk and starting freshly with no pre-programmes or programmes of any kind ? There is also a saying that a wise learns from others is it not wise to learn from others experiences....through the experiences of those awakened people or the scriptures which are also the experiences of the people who lived in the past ?....:) Awaiting for all your views and opinions....:)
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 13:45:24 +0000

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