Are we there yet ? The day has been memorable with our visit - TopicsExpress


Are we there yet ? The day has been memorable with our visit to a fortune teller finally over.I wonder what else Madame Betty whispered in his ear? He never stopped smiling slightly but I noticed a smerk once or twice. Maybe she could read minds and see the future but not me.He is just driving like we are heading somewhere we had decided on.Ray,are we going to eat soon? You had mentioned the Two Of Us place and it sounded romantic. Are we heading there? He glanced at me and then back on the road then said I liked that lady. It was like going to a movie but we were the stars in it. I am not so sure I liked the part about the end as she described it to me. The last thing she told me was not to go where my first choice was if for a first date.She said your foolish buddies heard it was a hit with the ladies. Remember not all women are impressed by Wedgewood plates or flowers on the table.You should go to your favorite place,If you can be relaxed like you were home together having a cozy dinner the better you will be. Concentrate on her and have no distractions. Be yourself and nature will take its course. That explains why we are heading out of town and into the country.The next town is twenty minutes away. Oh well it is a nice ride and I can enjoy this new adventure today.I suppose seeing Paris,Rome and the Egypt are something to talk about but maybe it is the simple side of me to like little things. I want to ask Ray another question about the Madame but maybe it is best to wait. He is humming to a song on the radio I have never heard before. I am going to soak up these moments together as we make memories. My other girlfriend Jayne suggested that when she goes on a date that she lets the guy eat in peace while just sitting there. She said to think of him while you are there and then do something about it. I have to agree about one other thing she swears by that the way to a mans heart is through his stomach. If he likes your cooking then every night he will be home for his special meal you make each day of the week.Otherwise he will eat out often and live off of the Daily Special menu. Another tune I have never heard before but I am getting comfortable and I think I will shut my eyes and take in the breeze. The next few minutes went by swiftly as I recalled the gypsy lady and all she told me. I know she was not a doctor but when she said that as I press my thumb into your palm three times I then quickly see the color return quickly. The heart is that of a child.The part that that bothered me was not the most important thing but it hurt the most.She said that I will have to finish growing and to be that great person that is within me.How did she know I was insecure about my life, my loves and my future? Maybe I was slouched over with my mouth wide open when she looked at me directly or how my voice was nervous sounding after she spoke in that witchy voice. I admit she was really a person to notice.The room was done in Victorian drapes with braided robes for the sash. The sitting area, before the readings, was comfortable.There were books on the little bookshelf by Lovecraft, Shelly and titles like Astrology,Curses and one on the Super natural.It appeared to me the lamps and tables were very old and I would think these were passed down to her. Most of us keep a few things that are precious to us. My mothers collender hangs in my kitchen like a million dollar heirloom but it is really a million memories. Another thing I liked that Madame Betty said was that I should remember things mother taught you but never to be your own person. I know we all do not have memories of a mother or a father because of different circumstances. It is easy to look at a big family with the father,mother and four children.The faces all have some matching feature that links family members. Our presonalities may be developed from childhood and be a learned behavious but the real core ways of acting just show up at times. One child may be shy and quiet like mother or if dad is the mellow one. I want to be the stronger person now. The car comes to a stop and he shuts off the motor. I open my eyes and look at him.are you awake yet? I answer after a quick yawn Yes, was I out long?I know I was just resting my eyes but then he says You slept the whole ride here and I needed time to think about what we can do next after we eat. Here we are at my favorite place to eat.If we become a couple or not I will still eat here.I turned and looked to my right. It is a shiny,,chrome old fashioned style diner called TEDS DINER. I liked the looks because it was clean and well maintained on the outside.let me bring you inside ,it is a nice place and we can talk in a booth together.That sounds good to me. He opens my door and I get out and after he slides the door to the left it disappears into the wall except for the handle. I walked in and fell in love with it.There was chrome and stainless steel everywhere. The ceiling was rounded like we were in a dining car on a railroad trip on the Orient or the Istanbul Express. I definetly approved of the cleanliness in general. Ray motioned to me to the left and into the last booth. I sat down with my back to the wall so I could admire the place.This was another thing I will scratch off of my bucket list. There are three older men at the other end having coffee and it looks like dessert from here plus four teenage boys at the other far end both. It must be a man thing because as Ray looked down at the men one guy saluted him and another winked at us.That was it as Ray said Do you mind moving in more? as he moved in next to me. I think he was showing he was the man. The waitress came right over and laid down one menu in front of me. I thought it was odd but I just thought they were in short supply of menus.The offerings were fancy to simple fares. I thought the raviolis with summer squash looked interesting and a salad melody.I like fish and chips too but let me see what he likes here, not that it matters at this point. The lady returns with ice water and then asks meare you all set? I sorry that I forgot to introduce myself first I am Jeanne. A nice country girl, mother and grandmother. I believe in Karma and can tell you one thing.Ray has been in here with a lady.You must be special?I feel good vibes from this table. I live happily with chickens at home and a man with a guitar to make music for me. Life is good. So are you all set ? Thats is when I had to say What are you having Ray? Jeanne speaks up and says He has the same thing every time he comes in here but it is always different. Now I am lost for words as to what she means. Ray finally speaks up and says What is the daily special? like he was the one just waking up instead of me. Jeanne points to the sign..Homemade baked mac and cheese with or without bacon bits and ofcourse a large piece of Bumbleberry pie. He spells out B.I.N.G.O., BINGO. She turns to me and again that instant reaction of failure to start brain before engaging mouth happens and I sayI will have whatever he has and turn and smile at Ray. I would not make two separate meals if we were eating home alone together and even though we here at Teds I secretly love mac and cheese and must compliment myself. I make a mean meal but out of the box.I notice Ray is still eyeballing the guys down back. He turned to me and asked if I minded him putting some money in the little jukebox in our both?I said to go ahead and be at home. He dropped four quarters in and punched a few bs and cs when suddenly I heard music coming out in the little speaker here,next to me,plus the big real one down at the other end came on. The song title came up on the little display.The BeatlesYou Know My Name which I did not recognize. The bass was booming and the singer keeps saying in a thick British accentYou Know,You Know,You Know My Name Baby..Three times then he singsLook up my number. That was all they could take.They all got up and left out the middle door while one said Great song, you know how to get my goat Ray winks at him and saysthat was the idea old goat, I can only hope he knew them. Here comes petite Jeanne with our two hot plates. The steam is rising off of them and with in a few seconds she brings over two extra large piece of pie. She saysI will leave you guys alone while you eat unless you need someting else right now ? Ray says Yes,more salt. We had both ordered the same drinks too since I asked for what he wanted.She brought over one can of Moxie and he pulled the tab and drank a third of it.Ah-like it says on the can Distinctivly Different.I had heard of that stuff as an old medicine drink great granfather Walter loved up in Bangor, maine a century ago. Jeanne shook her head at Ray as she glanced at me. I was about to say okay when Ray blurted out I like sweet tea too.That was it, we were all set as the waitress asked. My meal was cooling and as we both went to get a drink and fix a napkin a small problem existed.I am a lefty and he is a righty.Rather than change seats I left the man on the outside and I timed my bites inbetween his. It worked out without an accident.He mentioned that he liked to eat alittle first to get some energy in him right away.I felt the same way. I was drained earlier and a good hot meal with good company can not be bested by much.My first morsel until the last was like heaven. Real smooth cheese and ice cold tea went together well. We had the place to ourselves and if there is a next year anniversary from today we will be back for the daily special.He left Jeanne a big tip and told her to tell Mr. Goat to say hi to Mrs Goat. We got to the car and Ray opened my door and jumped in now full of energy after that respite back into time at Teds Diner.Well where next Ray?I was ready for anything. That pie was still on my lips so I asked him what is a bumbleberry anyway? I grew up in a small city.Ray repliedWhen they make apple, peach, cherry, blueberry, rasberry, blackberry and apricot pies they put all the leftovers of each into one pie. Years ago people were called a bumbling idiot, one who messed up something. It was the best pie I have had in many years. I decided to mention to him that Madame Betty said Walk together, hand in hand, among the crowd. It makes you come together closer and makes something of a simple walk. Then the madame said in her higher voice. There is danger in love but when hands touch the heart beats faster. I saw you two in my crystal ball as you sat across from me. When your faces touched for the first time I saw your eyes and his eyes close at the same moment and both stayed that way for a few seconds. I saw two people enjoying each others touch. The glass showed me a long road ahead but the cards told of perils and chances of success and failure.I have often wondered if these soothsayers and other mentalists really do know something we dont know. How would they know me or him but I liked it all and we are here ready to go on the next part of today.what now? He asksdo you mind calling it a day.I need to go home but I have enjoyed everything today with you?. I was surprised but said okay. He drove me home and opened my door .Then we walked to my door and he said see you tomorrow? about five pm for dinner here? I said that would be great. He moved towards me and we kissed goodbye. It was a long one but it was sweet.Maybe it was a bumbleberry flavored one. Goodbyes were exchanged and I went in.The house felt strange and quiet as I changed into my at home outfit and slippers. My heart wad dreading the thought of being alone tonite but then again it was a wonderful day. Who knows why he had to go home.I know I am going to jump in that bed and cover my head with my blankets for a few minutes.I feel like I might laugh or cry or both. Romance is never as easy as it sounds.
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 12:59:08 +0000

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