Are we this hypnotized by politics of deception? If it is indeed - TopicsExpress


Are we this hypnotized by politics of deception? If it is indeed true that cord have collected more than 1.4 million signatures for the referendum, it is evidence enough that we have fallen into another trap of our political elite. We have come a long way and I expected that we would have learnt that the political class thinks of itself first and the citizenry comes second. While it is okay and within everyone’s right to support their political party of choice, it is our mandate as patriotic Kenyans to ensure that public financial, human and time resources are not wasted on causes that will not benefit everyone in this country. The key drivers of this referendum push are interested only on two things: To salvage their political careers and overhaul IEBC. All the other concerns are merely masks to delude Kenyans that the referendum is meant to change our lives. I don’t know why people ignore the fact that Raila Odinga was one of the most aggressive campaigners of the constitution that he is now working so hard to alter. The only conclusion you can draw from the oxymoron that is Raila Odinga’s character is that he does not care about the constitution, he does not care about Kenyans. He is only interested in events that will increase his political bonga points. He wants to be attributed to events. He adopted this trick when he delivered the NO campaign against Kibaki’s first term government. By owning this event, he flew past all his political rivals in opposition and made him the undisputed flag bearer of ODM. If he can deliver the anticipated referendum vote, any MOU between him and Kalonzo Musyoka would be null and void, it would be whitewashed by the resulting hype and K.M would have no other alternative but to meekly wear a baba’s hat and T-shirt in 2017. Are we as Kenyans ready to give RAO another event to bolster his otherwise would be dead career. Are we ready to waste billions on a man who if elected president would make Anyang Nyongo the minister of truth and use men in black as thought police? If you think I’m being hyperbolic, just look at ODM. This is not a democratic political party, it is a big brother enterprise, personal growth is not encouraged, ignorance, submission and complacency are preached there. That is why anybody who wants to grow and have a vision that is clearer than that of Rao or his siblings and cousins leaves the party. Anyang Nyongo is a Machiavellian Tyrannosaurus stuck in 16th century ideologies. This is the main reason why RAO won’t loosen Nyongos grip on party’s secretary general post. They complement each other like Heinrich Himmler and Adolf Hitler or Georgy Malenkov and Josef Stalin. Visionaries, eloquent and new order leaders are not welcome in this set up, they either suppress their dreams and blindly follow a leader blinded by greed or they leave. Mugo Wa Wairimu
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 13:35:33 +0000

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