Are women really treated like crap? Lets see: 1. They get less - TopicsExpress


Are women really treated like crap? Lets see: 1. They get less sentences than men for the same crime 2. They tend to get EASIER sentences than men 3. Women are TWICE as likely to cheat with TWICE as many partners 4. Women are opportunistic cheaters, and tend to blame YOU for their cheating 5. Women initiate 70% of the divorces in America, yet claim MEN have commitment issues. 6. Men pay nearly 2x more than their women do on Valentines Day, yet women pretend like theyre so objectified. 7. Look at most of the typical famous male singers, and see how they are TOTALLY not objectified like women singers. They flash off muscle, money, swag, etc. 8. Women often get the kids in divorce court 9. Women dont have the same guy code as men, leading to them having less issue with sleeping with their friends boyfriend/exs than men. 10. Women seem to think its okay to put their hands on a man, and not the other way around. Just look at Beyonces sister attack JayZ. People asked what he did to deserve it. If it was the other way around, hed be in jail, no questions asked.
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 23:56:23 +0000

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