Are you A Revelation 12 REMNANT OR NOT! Nebuchadnezzars dream - TopicsExpress


Are you A Revelation 12 REMNANT OR NOT! Nebuchadnezzars dream reveals Gods Kingdom and last days Genesis 3:15 is the SAME AS REVELATION 12!The Final Judgment (Gen. 3:15) concerning the Womans Seed who would crush the serpents head, and receive the Fathers Kingdom! Run em ALL out Father! I am starving at this point from the Very Serpent You always Crush My Lord! The one from Genesis Jehovah spoke Volumes to! I am not telling you this again, you are all in Revelation 13, the only thing you can do now is be a Revelation 12 REMNANT ! How can you keep missing THE POINT!15 And I will put enmity Between you and the woman,And between your seed and her Seed;He shall bruise your head,And you shall bruise His heel. You not even Welcome in Jehovahs Kingdom Now for you BLASPHEMY! Jehovah curse the very ground you all walk on, and all you see is your Mammon your Akhenaten and your TREASON! The Shema comes from the hand of Moses about 1400 BC.EL MELEKH NEEMAN (Heb. God, faithful King), an affirmation of faith pronounced before the recital of the *Shema The Lord Jesus Christ is the KI of Jeshurun(Deut 33:5).Jesus Christ is the KING of kings and LORD of Lords(Rev 19:16).The God of Jeshurun*, who rides the heavens in his power,There is none like the God of Jeshurun, Riding the heavens in thy help, extol him who rides on the clouds--his name is the LORD--and rejoice before him. King Davids kingdom will be established forever. Matthew 6:9 -6:15 12 Therefore rejoice, O heavens, and you who dwell in them! Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and the sea! For the devil has come down to you, having great wrath, because he knows that he has a short time.”Verse 18It also says I will Give you a NEW HEART! Genesis 3:15 IS THE SAME AS REVELATION 12!!!!!!!!! Have at you Maggots! (Gen. 3:15) concerning the Womans Seed who would crush the serpents head, and receive the Fathers Kingdom.God made the promise that a woman of their people would bring forth the Seed who would crush the serpents head and restore Paradise,The seed of the woman will crush the serpents head indicating Satans ultimate defeat.For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs.But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute youBut you dont give a shit about yourself or Jehovahs Commandments and Covenants Any your wonder Why I cry every day about all of you?“If your eye makes you stumble, throw it away; it is finer for you to enter one-eyed into the kingdom of God than with two eyes to be pitched into Gehenna, where their maggot does not die and the fire is not put out.”—Mark 9:47, 48.In any case, some claim that Jesus’ statement supports the view that after death the souls of the wicked suffer forever. For instance, a comment in the Spanish Sagrada Biblia of the University of Navarre says: “Our Lord uses [these words] to refer to the torments of hell. Often ‘the worm that does not die’ is explained as the eternal remorse felt by those in hell; and the ‘fire which is not quenched,’ as their physical pain.”However, compare Jesus’ words with the final verse of Isaiah’s prophecy.* Is it not apparent that Jesus was alluding to the text in Isaiah chapter 66? The prophet there apparently refers to going out “of Jerusalem to the surrounding Hinnom Valley (Gehenna), where human sacrifice was once practiced (Jer 7:31) and which eventually became the city’s refuse heap.” (The Jerome Biblical Commentary) The symbolism at Isaiah 66:24 clearly is not that of people being tortured; it speaks of carcasses. What it refers to as not dying is worms—not live humans or immortal souls. What, then, is the import of Jesus’ words? “They will actually go forth and look upon the carcasses of the men that were transgressing against me; for the very worms upon them will not die and their fire itself will not be extinguished, and they must become something repulsive to all flesh.”—Isa. 66:24.There is enough extreme risk and probable cause for Jehovah to go after the Jugular vein This is a Jehovah Over ride! You are out of your jurisdiction! The Supreme Lawgiver One there is that lawgiver and judge, the Bible tells us. (James 4:12)Indeed, Jehovah is the only true Lawgiver. Even the movements of the heavenly bodies are governed by his celestial laws. (Job 38:33,The New Jerusalem Bible) Jehovahs myriads of holy angels are likewise governed by divine law, for they are organized into definite ranks and serve under Jehovahs command as his ministers. - Psalm 104:4; Hebrews 1:7, 14.Jehovah has given laws to mankind as well. Each of us has a conscience, a reflection of Jehovahs sense of justice. A kind of internal law, the conscience can help us to distinguish right from wrong. (Romans 2:14) Our first parents were blessed with a perfect conscience, so they needed but a few laws. (Genesis 2:15-17) Imperfect man, however, needs more laws to guide him in the doing of Gods will. Such patriarchs as Noah, Abraham and Jacob received laws from Jehovah God and transmitted these to their families. (Genesis 6:22; 9:3-6; 8:19;26:4, 5) Jehovah caused himself to become Lawgiver in an unprecedented way when he gave the nation Israel a Law code by means of Moses. This legal code offers us extensive insight into Jehovahs sense of justice.Revelation 12 bears a very close resemblance to Genesis 3:15, as well as to the life of Moses and the Exodus story,You have hardened you heart against God! Shalom, one day you will Repent! So ya got your wish so have it your way Burger king! Genesis 3:15 is the same as Revelation 12 Jews for Real Judaism( Hashem-Jesus is Messiah) Davidic-Jews fight for Jesus (The house of David) And I will put enmity Between you and the woman, And between your seed and her seed; He shall bruise you on the head, And you shall bruise him on the heel.I said Seth Ben Adam Ben Jehovah, you said nah I would rather worship the Dragon that gives power unto the Akhenaten Beast The LORD God said to the serpent, Because you have done this, Cursed are you more than all cattle, And more than every beast of the field; On your belly you will go, And dust you will eat All the days of your life;! You will be answering to Jehovah for this NO DOUBT! Tis alright your all just living on a prayer anyhow!I It is the Shema, but you ignore that too! guess all you girls just wanna have fun! You were all really lucky, until you kept ignoring me, Hence Jehovah! When I say Lake of Fire I aint Kidding ONE BIT!*Seth ben ADAM (*Adam CREATED BY GOD, JEHOVAH) The Seed of the Woman IS SETH BEN ADAM JEHOVAH YOU FOOLS! The promise made in Eden (Gen. 3:15) about the Womans Seed who would crush the serpents head, and receive the Fathers Kingdom.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 07:19:21 +0000

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