Are you a skeptic coming to my page to correct me on weather - TopicsExpress


Are you a skeptic coming to my page to correct me on weather modification, geophysics, seismology, or volcanism? Lololololol... Take a hike. Or, you could try to suck it up, and realize its never too late for YOU to learn something new, which confounds, and contradicts your beliefs of what is, and is not possible. How many times does one need to be proved accurate before denying ceases? Just curious how long the skeptics egos (protecting past claims XYZ were impossible).... will continue to outshine basic proved science. They said I was crazy for saying fracking causes earthquakes.. proved correct after 3 years of ridicule and denial They said I was a conspiracy theorist and a fraud for saying microwaves induce weather.. proved correct after 4 years of ridicule and denial They said I didnt understand geology about pressure transfer earthquakes on the edge of the craton coming from the WEST... proved correct after 4 years of ridicule and denial They sais I was HOAXING plumes from volcanoes, said I was seeing regular clouds.... proved correct after multiple frack wells vented at once, and USGS confirmed a new active volcano. They called me a conspiracy theorist for showing radiation in the snow. Proved correct ?? Never verified due to being labeled a conspiracy theorist Point is, most of what Ive shown you, and discovered over the years HAS BEEN VERIFIED after a long hard fight to bring the information public. If youre here to correct me, get in line BEHIND the agencies which smeared me, and then had to come back to correct themselves. USGS, NWS, NOAA, SPC, NBC, CBS, ABC, Fox, Discovery channel, weather channel, US Marines, US Army, US Airforce, US Navy, big oil, big gas, NPS, and a host of other sites. All the aforementioned have come to my pages, or interacted with me on some level. Press releases.. international news reports.. articles, and videos made by the main stream media responding to my findings. If I was wrong (which I wasnt btw), why would they all care so much about a small time online reporter enough to put me across the world trying to debunk my findings? If youre here to harass, not learn, then I say one more time , leave. Sophomoric geophysics neophyte parrot acolytes are not welcome in the real world of science. You guys never discover anything, and your scientific dogma is getting tiresome in its constant need of smack down. People are not coming to my page to hear your objections... thats what your page is for. Trying to use my platform to trash me? Lolololol... deniers are just too ego filled to see how wrong that is.
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 02:56:40 +0000

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