Are you a starseed? As the word star seed suggests, it refers - TopicsExpress


Are you a starseed? As the word star seed suggests, it refers to one that is seeded from the stars. A soul that has had many lifetimes on other planets and spiritual realms. One who has come to Earth to assist in the spiritual shift in evolution and to help raise the vibrations of the planet. Starseed traits: * Starseeds feel like they do not belong here on Earth, challenged to “fit in”. * Starseeds have a sense they are on a mission. * Starseeds tend to be gifted in abilities such as psychics, healers, intuitives, empaths, telepaths and channels. * Starseeds have deep interests in such things as spirituality, astronomy, astrology, ancient civilizations, crystals and mythology. * They are often born with wisdom and spiritual knowledge. * They have the ability to learn rapidly when inspired or guided. * They may have visions of past lifetimes, here on Earth and other locations. * Many starseeds have written themselves challenging life lessons to overcome. * Starseeds tend to have creative and inspirational ideas, writing, artwork and inventions. * Some had reported having imaginary friends as children. (these often turn out to be their guides) * Starseeds tend to be dreamers, often called out for not paying attention. When unbalanced: * Can be self destructive, wanting to escape. * Sense a great loneliness, or tend to be loners. * Can be labeled with psychiatric and other A.D.D. type disorders. * Ungrounded, not willing to put down roots where the feel they do not belong. Other symptoms: * Restless sleep, often interrupted by incoming energy. * Ringing in ears, many times diagnosed as tinnitus. * Tingling, goosebumps, shivers throughout body with incoming energy. * Waves of emotion not connected with own feelings, picking up on the collective energy. * Changes in eating habits, diet changes, often become vegetarian. * Food intolerance, sensitive to additives, detoxification. * Many star seeds seem to look much younger than their age. * Synchronicities leading to guidance, teachers and places. * Sudden bursts of creativity, a desire to write, paint or create what is being sensed. * Strong emotions connected with planetary alignments and moon cycles. * Fight or flight energy, an inner knowing that something is going to happen, such as earthquakes. * A knowing of the feelings of others, highly empathic.
Posted on: Thu, 28 Nov 2013 02:07:54 +0000

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