Are you all ready to get extremely GRAPHic? This post is never - TopicsExpress


Are you all ready to get extremely GRAPHic? This post is never more perfect to put forth than today as we head into the exact midpoint (Jan. 5th) of this supernaturally-amazing Tetrad cycle that spans across 2,938 days or 8 years and 2 plus weeks. It started in January of 2011 and ends in January of 2019. Included is the more acknowledged core tetrad of blood moons, as we know being last year and this year exactly on Gods first and final calendar Feast days of Passover and Sukkot (Tabernacles). No telling what significance Jan. 5th has to do with this cycle, that may remain a mystery until we get to Heaven and find out. Or maybe it is simply just serving as a middle point. Could even be something prophetic takes place tomorrow. I guess we will know soon enough. I ask that we focus on the larger picture here which includes many dates, day-counts, and span-of-years....not just one. If someone tells you these blood moons are not of God or they have no significance at all, you can totally smash their delusions with these charts and hopefully wake them up that not only is God completely behind such timing and placement, but that He may even be attempting to wake people up to His plans for mankind and even His irrefutable existence. I plan to share this with a couple of unsaved family members and also a neighbor of mine. You might consider using this is an ice-breaking witnessing tool as well to show there is indeed a much higher-intelligence. He is the Creator of not only the heavens and the earth but all of us as well, and that He cares way more intimately about them then He does His vast celestial handiwork. If you want to is the link you can copy and paste that should include this post in full, hopefully including all of the image-graphs below. https://facebook/groups/518130381599187/permalink/758422847569938/ (If this doesnt work due to your settings and such, you can always copy/paste this text then drag /drop the images into a newly created post on your own page.) Now, lets dive in to these ultimately fascinating, mind-blowing showcases that reaches back over the last two millennia. There is a great deal more Divinely-weaved fascination within the BLOOD MOON TETRADS than first meets the sky ;) Let’s look much deeper into not only their history but also the astonishing amount of symmetry in which Christ Jesus has placed these into existence from His creation of both world, time and space. (John 1 & Col. 1:15-19) But first, let’s recognize that it is most assuredly His handiwork that controls such things. God is a God of numbers-patterns-parallels-foreshadows-order-perfection...signs=SIGNALS FROM THE LORD in the heavens-eclipses-sun-moon-stars-planets-feasts (Gods Feast days - not mans). And from time to time, even WARNINGS! AMOS 3:7...The Lord always reveals His plans before setting them in motion JOB 9:9 ...The Lord is the maker of the constellations JOB 38:31...Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion? JOEL 2:30...I will show wonders in the heavens JOEL 2:31 & Acts 2:20...The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the LORD come. GENESIS 1:14 - creation of sun, moon & stars for signs and seasons = Heavenly Signals / His Holy Convocations PSALM 19: The heavens declare the glory of God the skies proclaim the work of his hands Day after day they pour forth speech night after night they reveal knowledge LUKE 21...“There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars. REVELATION....Numerous signs appearing in the heavens that John describes via divine visions given throughout this book. Now let’s highlight each amazing graph with individual detail. 1. Graph 8A: This current Tetrad of 2014-15 and more that covers a span of 9 years, from 2011-19 - Marvel at the perfect symmetry of it all. 2. Graph 8B: This charts our current cycle of lunar and solar eclipses, blood moons and more from 2011-19. 3. Graph A: Partial Tetrad and concurrent blood moon cycles from the years 28-36 that frame Christ’s crucifixion. 4. Graph 1: The first full Tetrad and blood moon cycles back in 162-63 during the dispersion of the Jewish people. 5. Graph 2: 2nd full Tetrad and moon cycles back in 795-96. 6. Graph 3: 3rd full Tetrad with lunar and solar cycles during 842-43. 7. Graph 4: 4th complete Tetrad in the years 860-61. 8. Graph 5: 5th complete Tetrad with the sun and moon cycles of 1493-94. 9: Graph 6: 6th full Tetrad of ’49-’50 with lunar and solar cycles spanning 19 years between 1945-1964 - NATION OF ISRAEL REBORN. 10. And lastly, Graph 7: The previous full Tetrad back in ’67-’68 with yet again, solar and lunar cycles spanning another 19 years, this time between 1963-1982 which highlights the JEWISH REINSTATEMENT OF JERUSALEM AS THE CAPITAL CITY. Ironically taking place 19 years after Israel once again became an independent nation after almost 2,500 years. (all ten graphs have been added into the head of this post here. Just click on the first image and arrow through to view in their entirety. OR, I will also add all ten graphs individually in the following 10 comments. so click on ‘view more comments’ if you can’t see them all.) All these core Tetrads fall on God’s holy Feasts days. Surrounded by other eclipse and blood moon cycles that tie in to them. The next such holy-patterned Tetrad to take place won’t happen until wayyyy down the line in 2582-3. So obviously this will be the final one that relates to anything prophetically significant. But we knew that anyway ;) We may be looking down from Heaven on the rest of these dates from the two current graphs as they play out. Most of them anyway, that’s for sure. So, with that in mind……MARANATHA......KEEP LOOKING UP for the splendid fulfillment of our Blessed Hope and ever-beloved Bridegroom!
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 20:24:15 +0000

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