Are you an Illinois Resident? Do you care about the future of - TopicsExpress


Are you an Illinois Resident? Do you care about the future of education in our state? Are you a former educator like me? A parent like me? Someone who believes our children are our greatest investment? Here is a video of Wisconsin teachers warning Illinois teachers about Bruce Rauner, one of our candidates for Governor. It is a good reminder as to what is at stake for all of us. Rauner is good friends with Walker. Walker systematically destroyed the state of education in Wisconsin. Rauner described Walker and Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels as, Good friends, and great role models for me... and Im going to bring their principles to our state. --February 24, 2013 In this short video (9 mins), WI teachers say that as soon as Walker was elected in Wisconsin: --collective bargaining rights were eliminated --the salary schedule was eliminated --there were insurance changes --retirement benefits were eliminated --salary steps for experience were eliminated --salary lane movements for advanced education were eliminated --teachers salaries reduced $10,000 to $15,000 per year --work load protections were eliminated--it is now common to have classrooms with over 40 students --teachers lost workplace rights--teachers can be let go for any reason --seniority rights were eliminated --teacher morale is at rock bottom --teachers have no say in educational practices or policies for schools or students --Wisconsin colleges and universities now have the lowest class of future educators --teachers voices have been silenced One teacher says, Dont make the same mistake that the folks of Wisconsin did. This video is a must see for any teacher or public employee in Illinois. https://vimeo/109329959 Add to that another nauseating gubernatorial debate tonight. Rauner brags about all the money he made for teachers when he managed our retirement funds. But now he admits to working toward dumping us into a 401(k) with no retirement guarantee. The election is two weeks from tomorrow. Polls show Quinn and Rauner tied. Each vote is going to be important. Spread the word.
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 03:42:30 +0000

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