Are you an introverted job-seeker? Heres some advice on tapping - TopicsExpress


Are you an introverted job-seeker? Heres some advice on tapping into your strengths and building meaningful relationships that could help you land your next job: According to the news source, there are several traits of introverts that make the job search difficult. Often, these people prefer to have a few meaningful relationships, as opposed to a vast network of contacts whom they only know a little about. While this can be a hindrance, the creative, plan-based and strategic mindset of these candidates can be more than enough to offset any minor setbacks. Smaller meetings: One of the best ways for shy job seekers to meet with potential contacts is to set up one-on-one meetings. The crowded and loud scene at a networking event or party can be distracting, and keep shy job seekers from networking at their best. It isnt as though they cant network—they can—theyre just more comfortable meeting individuals one at a time. And because introverts are good listeners, they come across as likable, wrote Hannah Morgan, author career advice blog Career Sherpa. The secret to maximizing your listening skills is not to worry about what you will say next. Passion goes a long way: What many shy job seekers lack in sociability they often make up for in passion. According to the media outlet, even the most introverted job seeker can see a newfound sense of confidence when the conversation turns to something he or she has studied extensively or feels strongly about. This is the candidates time to shine, and can really make a difference whether its during an elevator pitch or a formal interview. Look and listen for opportunities to share your interests during an interview and when networking, Morgan added. Better yet, plan ways to gently steer the conversation toward these areas and ask questions. Undoubtedly, you will have an opportunity to share your accomplishments. According to Psychology Today, its extremely important for shy job seekers to identify strengths and be able to talk about them fluidly during an interview. This means not apologizing to a potential employer about being introverted, but rather owning it, and even feigning confidence at times if it is necessary.
Posted on: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 11:22:55 +0000

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