Are you asking the right questions? Spiritual exploration - TopicsExpress


Are you asking the right questions? Spiritual exploration isn’t about trying to find things to support a particular position; it’s very often about asking questions that penetrate your closely-held beliefs. It’s about asking questions that take you through, and beyond your own “sacred ground.” If you aren’t asking these types of questions, you may by lying on your back when you think you are making progress. Spiritual exploration is not about “following” a set way of doctrine, or someone else’s journey; it’s about learning to find your own way. It’s about finding a place where it is okay to ask questions about the path, and where finding meaning in your own way, your own path is okay. Spiritual exploration is not being forced to “believe” out of tradition, relationship or fear; it’s about being in an environment where you are free to ask questions and believe anything you want, and still be accepted. Spiritual exploration isn’t always about seeking those things that make us happy; it is about asking the hard questions, at the right time. These well-prepared internal confrontations often provide the “eureka” experiences, the explosive moments of personal illumination that enable great strides and leaps of growth and clarity. Often these epiphanies come in times of stillness, when we listen attentively. Spiritual exploration is not about becoming an expert, or holding a title of teacher in this or that; it’s about sharing what you learn and being in and helping others be in a constant state of awakening to new insight, very often from inspired by different people with a different points of view. There are many different ways to express this. It is called transformation, putting on a new persona, being re-born etc. Being in a state of spiritual exploration opens your Being to the mystical and magical experiences of your life. Spiritual exploration isn’t necessarily about seeking your own selfish advancement or enlightenment; it is about asking questions that direct your behavior and increase your breadth of awareness about others and yourself. Eventually, you should come full circle. You will begin to ask what you are able to give and provide others, rather than what you are able to get for yourself. Sharing and helping others will provide invaluable meaning and insight into your own progress. And spiritual growth accelerates within community. Now you are taking others down the path with you. Do you see a pattern here? Spiritual exploration is based on asking questions that challenge your own “sacred ground.” This process is one that is best done with help. A good teacher or group where you learn and share with each other is invaluable in this quest. A good teacher may be a friend or a part of the group. The point is, they will find ways to make you ask the hard questions. A good teacher or partner will challenge you when you complacent, and inspire when you are down. A good teacher is someone who can instruct you in the use of the proper techniques, and tools that will get you up off your backside. A good teacher, at times, may annoy, infuriate, and frustrate you in order to shake your hold on your spiritual point of view.
Posted on: Wed, 28 Aug 2013 05:40:25 +0000

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