Are you comfortable? Are you comfortably comfortable? Yes? Well - TopicsExpress


Are you comfortable? Are you comfortably comfortable? Yes? Well aint that cute....but its wrong. Get up out of that. Go sleep outside. Yes, thats right, get out into that garden of yours, or balcony, bring a sleeping bag and a form of shelter if you desire, an umbrella, a tent or just a cardboard box you see in a shop. If you have a shed or out house, get in there too, go sleep in there, take the dog house even, just stop caring, the dog will appreciate your company and youll build a stronger relationship while there too. You might even rethink why the heck you even put the dog outside in the first place and ask the poor thing for its forgiveness. Go for random walks...go walk somewhere you havent walked before, take some zig zag route to work for once or go walk in a circle and let your rebel side dictate how you want to walk...skip along the street like a child, jump down the street like a bouncing bunny rabbit. Hop hop hop...the point is to be free. You dont really like the rain much do you? You prefer the sun dont you? :) Well thats cute... Get up, get your sweet little ass out in that rain, wear swim shorts if you want, actually, no, DO wear swim shorts, bring a pair of sunglasses and a sun lounger and soak up that rain, make it fun, be silly, stop avoiding being wet. You like being nice and clean dont you...yeah now youre getting the idea.... Thats right, get your sweet little rear end out into that wilderness of a concrete city or a farm or your garden and jump around in puddles of mud and rain water, dig up a worm with your bare hands, toss it up in the air with a handful of soil too and headbutt him as far as you can, like you are scoring a goal in football and then rub that soil and dirt into your hair, yes thats right, lather it up like the most expensive luxurious moisturising shampoo and then go wash your hands in more dirt and soil or whatever you can find and bask in your filthy accomplishment. You normally only get the bus you need or taxi company? Get up out of that...go pick a random bus and see where it goes, watch the people who get on and off and look around, observe more, pretend youre new in town and bring a camera as if you are a tourist. You only hang out with people you know? Oh Lordy...thats going to need to change... Go out there, talk to some stranger like they are your best friend you havent seen in a long time, or go spend a few hours with a homeless person and be a friend to them, show someone random some compassion. You dont go out without friends or family, boyfriend or girlfriend? Now cant be doing that...go order a table for one at your local restaurant or cafe and go alone, be selfish about it, you have a relationship youre not seeing, the one with yourself. Go to the cinema on your own, do things yourself and love your company, love yourself enough to take yourself places with yourself and be proud of it, be proud you are taking care of yourself. You might just see what it is then to take someone else out to dinner or cinema, how you would spend the time and what you would talk about when you listen to your own mind first. You only go to places you know or social events you know with people you know?? Oh no no no no....we need to change that...go look for local events you never heard of or have absolutely no knoweldge on or have no idea who anybody is and go...just go, pick something you dont know and go and meet people you dont know. You might start to know some more things, hobbies, ideas, people, information, useful information. Sometimes being clueless is absolutely brilliant, its so refreshing to do something new and learn new things. You like do, of course you do, I know you do, even if its only you that looks at them. We all like photos. Well so does that flower or weed you walked passed today, or that stone that caught your eye, what about that cloud that was shaped like a bunny rabbit, a dog or a wiener? Be spontaneous. Be random. Surprise yourself....surprise others. Shock yourself and shock others, stop being the same, you dont want to be too predictable do you? Who likes things always being monotonous? Thats not really comfortable... Thats just the illusion you gave yourself. So! Get comfortably uncomfortable so that you can be more comfortable. Youll be amazed at what you can do when you expand your comfort zone. are here to expand, to experience. From this day onwards choose to do something outside of your comfort zone that is new to you, just one thing a day. Stay on the right path, the right path meaning do not hurt or harm anyone mentally or physically, thats a thing everyone is familiar with from some form or other, intentionally or unintentionally. Challenge yourself. Test yourself and see how youve been so comfortably comfortable all this time.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 21:54:29 +0000

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