Are you connected to your Father? Does your life affect the world - TopicsExpress


Are you connected to your Father? Does your life affect the world around you? Do you come to this world to be a spectator for others or to fulfill your destiny. Hmm! Take time to reflect more on this. As a child of God, your life is supposed to be flowing with miracles, signs and wonders. You are supposed to be a living testimony wherever you go; people should know that you are the child of the Most High. When you come to a place, they should know that somebody has arrived. In Isaiah 7:11, the Bible says "ask thee a sign of the Lord thy God: ask it either in the depth, or in the height above." Things must not continue the way they are. There must be a transformation. Tell God today to fulfill your life with signs and wonders. Your life must transmit His power and show forth that He is God. The word of God says, you must not be under. He says you must be the head. Resolve within yourself now and say: Father, my life must comply with your word. What is it that you desirr? Do you have a vision, dream, ambition? Are these espectations you want God to fulfill? Do you believe God for a better position? Is there anything you desire to make your life better? God is able to do it. Ask the Lord to show you signs and wonders. God told Moses "You are going to stand before Pharaoh and tell him he should let my people go". Moses considered the mission suicidal. How can I stand before Pharaoh, does it mean God does not know who Pharaoh was? In Exodus 4:17, God told Moses "Take this rod in your hand, with it you will perform signs". With that rod, Pharaoh was overturned. All the enemies that are after your life, all those that have vowed you will not amount to anything in life, heaven will overturned them in the name of Jesus. In Ezekiel 12:6, God said, I have made you a sign. Do you know what it means? By the time you get back, what has not been working in your life will begin to work. Where you have been defeated, you will have victory. Mark 16:17 says "And these signs shall follow them that believe, in my name shall they cast out devil." Read Acts 2:22. I pray that God will give you a rod with which to display signs against all the witches and wizards and against the warlords. All the occultists that had tormented you before now, with the rod in your hand you will destroy and bury them. ************* ACCEPT Jesus Christ as your Lord and personal Saviour today. God is love. No matter the sins or the wicked ways you are living right now, God is ready to dwell with you again if you can go on your knee now ask God for mercy and forgiveness. Repent, confess your secret sins to Him, and also believe that He died on the cross of calvary for your justification. Tell Him to write your name in the Book of Life.
Posted on: Tue, 10 Sep 2013 17:21:14 +0000

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