Are you enjoying our ONE A DAY Prayer project? Today we ask - TopicsExpress


Are you enjoying our ONE A DAY Prayer project? Today we ask everyone as a church family to pray for our government. TUESDAY- Prayer for Government Authorities We praise Your name Father! Blessed is Your name now and forever! From the east to the west we praise Your name! For You are high above the nations, Your glory is higher than the Heavens. You are King! You are robed with majesty and armed with strength! The world stands firm and cannot be shaken. Your throne, Father, has stood from time immemorial. You yourself are from the everlasting past. No one can do what You do! All the nations which You made will come and bow before You, Father; they will praise Your holy name. For You are great and perform wonderful deeds. You alone are God. Father, You said in your Word that we are to submit to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except from You, and the authorities that exist are appointed by You. You desire for us to pray for all who are in authority that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life. You also said if we Your people humble ourselves, pray, seek your face, and turn from our wicked ways, You will hear from Heaven, forgive our sins, and restore our land. Therefore, Father we pray for our nation’s leader, President Barack Obama. We declare he has Your wisdom, direction, and peace as he leads this nation in both domestic and international affairs. We confess that his advisors’ hearts and mouths are filled with wise counsel. We decree that You have turned the hearts of our President, House of Representatives, U.S. Senate, and Supreme Court Justices in the way that they should go when making decisions that impact our country and lives. We decree that they will honor You. We declare that these men and women will make decisions that will respect and preserve life and freedom, and that they have everyone’s well-being in mind as they sit in their seats that represent their states, regions, and our country. We decree mayors, sheriffs, and judges within cities, towns, and counties have hearts of service and that they interact justly with the people within their communities. We confess that our military leaders and those who serve this country possess wisdom when making tactical plans. We ask that You protect President Obama and his family. May all forms of their travels and living be safe and unobstructed. We ask that You bless those serving in our military branches with protection. Bless their families with Your peace that surpasses all of their understanding. We ask that You will arise in our nation and our enemies scatter from us. We ask that You give Your wisdom to our President, his financial advisors and congress, so they make sound, feasible, and lasting financial plans that will promote financial independence. We ask that You will cause solutions to our nation’s health care issues to surface. We declare that the United States of America will be a beacon of light and a blessing to all the families of the world. Father, forgive us as a body of believers for not supporting our government leaders through prayer. Forgive us for being selfish and forgetting our responsibility to cover our leaders. As a country, lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. Father, you will honor a nation that honors You. We as believers honor You, and stand in the gap before You for this nation and our leaders. Father, You faithfully answer our prayers with awesome deeds. We praise You Father for Your great wonders! There is no one as mighty as You! You are entirely faithful. Your strong right hand is filled with victory!
Posted on: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 21:45:58 +0000

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