Are you even trying? Quick Hit! 11 We have much to say - TopicsExpress


Are you even trying? Quick Hit! 11 We have much to say about this, but it is hard to make it clear to you because you no longer try to understand. The writer of Hebrews says it is hard to be clear because the Hebrews had stopped trying to understand. How about you? Do you still try to delve into the Word of God and try to grow as a Believer? Are you content with just being a surface Christian? Do you just sit back on Sunday mornings and want your pastor to entertain you in the Sunday service? Have you checked out of this thing called Christianity and you are just going through the motions? If this is you, then commit today to get back to growing. Find time to get into the Word. It might just be for five minutes. No matter how small the time you spend in the Word, start with something. Time in the Word is the only way to grow as a Believer. Spend time there and get back on the growth track. Let’s take this one a little deeper. 11 We have much to say about this, but it is hard to make it clear to you because you no longer try to understand. 12 In fact, though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you the elementary truths of God’s word all over again. You need milk, not solid food! 13 Anyone who lives on milk, being still an infant, is not acquainted with the teaching about righteousness. 14 But solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil. Meaning – The Hebrews had checked out. They were sitting on the sidelines, quite content to go through the motions of being a Christian. They would go to church, they would participate in worship, and if called on they would pray. They were not even trying to understand the deeper things of Christ. They were happy with the milk of the Word. We’ll talk more tomorrow about what these subjects are, but just imagine, here are grown people saying they don’t want a great meal – like steak and baked potato – they want a couple of bottles of Ensure. Think of it at your house, “Hey mom, what’s for dinner?” Mom answers back, “Ensure.” It’s healthy milk, but would you want milk for every meal? Probably not. If we refuse to dive into the deeper subjects of the Christian life, then we are just feasting on milk. God wants us to get into the meat of the Word. Application – It is very easy to just coast along and take the stance that anything beyond the simple truths of scripture is too hard to understand and that is the job of the ministers of our church to know them. We don’t even want them to explain them to us. We just are content to always feed on milk. Yeah that is the easy walk as a Believer. Yet God wants us to be the total opposite. One of the key things God expects from you and me as His children is spiritual growth. God expects us to always be looking to grow up spiritually. That means you and I need to open our Bible on a regular basis and look for truth that we had not seen or considered before. Is it work? You better believe it is. Just the same as learning geometry may not have been fun for you, or learning the parts of speech may not have been total pleasure, learning scripture takes some effort. It takes some commitment. When you put effort into things at school, they were enjoyable and after learning them you were better equipped in life. The same is true of scripture. A little work and a little effort and you will find yourself growing into the person God wants you to be. Dive in and get to know the Word on a deeper level. Please share this devotional so your friends can be challenged as well. Hope you have a great day. On Facebook - https://facebook/practicaldevotional On Blogspot - practicaldevotional.blogspot/
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 11:07:43 +0000

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