Are you exhausted? Completely tapped? Living under chronic stress? - TopicsExpress


Are you exhausted? Completely tapped? Living under chronic stress? If you’ve been diagnosed with Adrenal fatigue, you’ll want to make this drink a daily staple. But all of us can benefit. If you’ve had too many late nights or simply need a battery recharge – start drinking the Singing Canary! It has been especially formulated for tired, inflamed bodies, each ingredient carefully chosen to be a powerful adrenal healer. There is no caffeine.... no lightning bulb jolt that roughly shakes you into high gear. It contains only deeply nourishing… soothing… hydrating… healing... tenderly awakening ingredients that together create a delicious ADRENAL REVIVER! And despite the fact that it contains 1 full tsp. of adrenal rebuilding, inflammation fighting turmeric powder – it is remarkably delicious. We’ve been tweaking this recipe for months until finally, this golden juice of nourishing delight actually tastes like a creamy, citrusy beverage. Think Sunny D meets Orange Creamsicle – (sorta). This drink is oh so worth the little effort it takes. Allow these golden ingredients to help nurture your body back to where you are able to take flight again and start singing (or whistling) like a Canary. The ingredients are readily found and you can make it in a snap. Spread your SINGING CANARY wings and join the choir of Mamas who are reclaiming abundant energy. ITS TIME TO SPROUT SOME HAPPY, FLAPPY YELLOW FEATHERS WITH US AND SOAR! Okay, we know you’re anxiously awaiting the recipe. Here it is… but please keep reading. The Trim Healthy Mama approach is always to understand the why behind your food and drink choices so you can sensibly implement life long, positive changes, not simply follow someone else’s orders blindly. After the recipe we describe the health benefits, the reasons to include Singing Canary into your diet and the best places to find the ingredients. SINGING CANARY Ingredients: 2 lemons * 4000 mg Vitamin C (buffered ascorbic acid powder or tablets or whatever is in your cupboard that does not include sugar or dyes) *1 tsp. non irradiated Turmeric powder * 1 flat, tsp. Extra Virgin Coconut Oil * 2 tsp. Whey Protein Powder * 3 generous pinches of high mineral salt like Celtic Sea Salt *3 splashes vanilla extract, *THM Pure Stevia Extract Powder to taste (available at trimhealthymama) or use other on plan sweeteners to taste * Optional 4-8 drops of Therapeutic Grade Essential Oil of Lemon Directions: 1.Peel only the yellow rind off two lemons using a sharp pearling knife, leave as much of the white pith intact (the bioflavonoids in the white are an important, healing component of the drink). Slice each lemon into four chunks, take out the seeds and throw lemon pieces into your blender with 3 cups of water. Blend well. 2.Time to sieve this liquid because as you’ll want your Canary smooth and creamy. The easiest way is to pour the ingredients through a nylon mesh bag into a bowl or pitcher. You can purchase these bags at a paint store very inexpensively. Squeeze the bag well and allow all the lemony goodness to ooze out. This part is super fun. It’s worth a trip to the paint store for a few of these bags as you can make homemade cheese and almond milk with them. If you want to make this drink now and you dont have a bag, then use an old nylon stocking or a fine sieve. That’ll work. 3.Pour your fresh juice back into the blender. Add all the other ingredients and blend really well. 4.Fill a two quart glass mason jar with ice to the tippy top and then pour your SINGING CANARY juice over the ice. If it doesnt reach the top then add more water to your jar. 5.Put on a lid on the jar and shake like you are a professional drink mixer. Un cap... taste and ... OWN IT!!!!! Quite a bit of stevia is required to combat the strong flavors of lemon pith and turmeric and to balance out the Celtic Sea Salt - start with 3-4 doonks and add more to your taste.. If your Canary has too biting a flavor, add a little more stevia and/or vanilla. Note – Certain lemons have stronger flavored pith than others. If you find using all the white from your lemon is causing too bitter a taste in your drink, you can use only the juice from your lemons. You’ll be missing out on the bio flavonoids which make the vitamin C more absorbable so make sure to use a buffered, vitamin C ascorbic powder that contains bioflavonoids. This form will enable you to absorb more of the vitamin C. There are many brands out there, just make sure to avoid any sweetened with sugar or artificial sweeteners. Avoid Emergen – C which contains too much fructose and will be too expensive. Understand the Benefits! One of the best ways to control elevated cortisol levels is to stay well hydrated. Dehydration causes cortisol levels to increase and this taxes your adrenal glands. The SINGING CANARY is bigger than a BIG SLURP or MEGA GULP or other sugar laden drinks out there. It is two quarts of Healing, electrolyte rich, hydrating liquid designed to be sipped throughout your day. Each sunshiny sip keeps dehydration at bay. Aldosterone is a hormone secreted by your adrenals that regulates water levels and the concentration of minerals like sodium in your body. Overworked Adrenals have a hard time producing adequate amounts of Aldosterone therefore adrenal fatigue causes dehydration in the body. Lack of Aldosterone disrupts sodium balance at a cellular level. High quality mineral salt added to your Canary plays a huge role in adrenal healing. Unrefined salt like this has little or no effect on blood pressure. It is alkalizing, maintains electrolyte balance and also helps to solubilize other minerals in the blood. A deficiency of sodium causes other minerals to become bio unavailable so your body cannot absorb them. Celtic salt combats this problem and also provides trace minerals which are so important for fighting adrenal fatigue. The lemon water helps to hydrate your lymphatic system. When you are dehydrated your adrenal glands as well as your thyroid glands become very toxic. The lemons also provide copious amounts of natural vitamin C. Vitamin C is considered to be the most important nutrient for adrenal fatigue recovery. The more cortisol your body makes when it feels taxed or stressed, the more vitamin C is used up. Even non stress induced, regular adrenal functioning requires a good supply of this vitamin. It is essential to the adrenal hormone cascade and manufacture of adrenal steroid hormones. It acts like an antioxidant within the adrenal cortex. One of the highest concentrations of vitamin C within the body can be found within the small adrenal glands. So don’t get depleted! Let’s offer your body a good supply of this vital vitamin with Singing Canary. Once you’re at the point of Adrenal fatigue, your adrenal glands are in panic mode due to their lack of vitamin C. They release more cortisol, it’s a vicious cycle. The body is flooded with anxiety when this vitamin is running low, the cat chases its tail and the depleted glands become even more starved and panicky. Vitamin C not only helps us cope with stress but strengthens our immune system from illness that would add more work for our adrenals. By stimulating the production of white blood cells, interferon, virus antibodies and liver detoxifying enzymes, vitamin C is your Adrenal glands BFF. Sufferers of Adrenal Fatigue need more of this vitamin than whole foods alone can supply. Supplementation becomes crucial. SINGING CANARY provides vitamin C both ways – from whole foods (lemons and turmeric) plus quality supplementation. The average prescription for vitamin C is between 2-5000 mg daily on top of your diet. Many holistic doctors prescribe Vitamin C up to bowel tolerance – you’ve gone a bit too far if you get the runs! Some doctors even administer up to 20, 000 mg of this vitamin. We believe super high doses like that should only be taken under a doctor’s watchful care. The amount of C in Singing Canary is powerful yet safe and sensible. If your stomach is too sensitive for ascorbic acid, you can use powdered alma berries or acerola cherry powder. Bioflavonoids are a crucial component of the vitamin C complex. They enhance the absorption of vitamin C. The white pith of the whole lemon in the SINGING CANARY provides quality bioflavonoids. Including the therapeutic grade lemon essential oil powerfully combats anxiety and depression which seems to rear its ugly head with burnt out adrenals. It brings mental clarity and a few little drops contain huge immune boosting power. But if you don’t have any, the drink will still help you without it. Turmeric not only provides the gorgeous golden hue to the SINGING CANARY but is medicinally a star player! It gently stimulates the adrenal glands to produce a natural cortisone that reduces inflammation. It is an Anti-inflammatory super hero and dramatically lowers histamine levels in the body. Turmeric also supports the adrenal glands by assisting in the production of its hormonal cascade. Amazingly, turmeric brings a calming and relaxing effect while simultaneously providing mental alertness. Both of these qualities are struggled to be maintained while your adrenal glands are burnt out. Low liver function is often associated with low adrenal function and turmeric is a liver rebuilder and detoxifier. Turmeric helps produce bile and bile is the vehicle that flushes toxicity from your body. We could go on for years about turmeric but to keep this post moving we’ll save the rant over this powerful herb for another time. Currently, we buy our turmeric powder from an online seller in bulk form. It lasts a long while and is cheaper than small expensive little jars from the local grocer. But we know you want to get started on this drink today… just buy any ole kind for now but once you become a SINGING CANARY fan you’ll want to save money and bulk up on a very pure and potent product. Turmeric contains many fat soluble nutrients which simply means the body best absorbs its goodies when there is fat consumed with it. This is the reason we’ve included the Extra Virgin coconut oil which also aids in digestion (another challenge for adrenal sufferers). Usually we don’t want you sipping on a drink all day that is laden with fat but this 1 tsp. of middle chain fatty acids is super nourishing to the adrenals yet allows the drink to stay a low calorie, all day sipper. Please keep the amount of coconut oil to no more than 1 flat tsp. as you’ll be drinking this in between meals. Middle chain fatty acids give you the fastest supply of energy but without any of the pit falls of sugar spikes and crashes. Coconut oil also nourishes your cells mitochondria which are the energy producers inside of your cells. Middle chain fatty acids in virgin coconut oil detoxify and protect the liver from damaging free radicals. A sluggish thyroid which can accompany adrenal fatigue is aided by this healthy “fat reducing fat by its ability to increase your body temperature, boost your metabolism and by making it function more efficiently. Virgin coconut oil also is a great blood sugar stabilizer which can be a big problem for someone with exhausted adrenals. When blood sugar levels spike and then plummet, the adrenal glands must pump out more hormones to try and normalize sugar levels. Trying to deal with unstable blood sugar in an adrenal fatigued person is like asking an exhausted marathon runner to pick up the pace and add a few more miles to his quota. Not gonna happen! Easily absorbed and digested protein is also a very healing addition for those with adrenal exhaustion. Protein rebuilds, repairs, and balances the blood sugar and this powder form contributes to the creaminess of the drink. We recommend a CFM whey protein isolate as described in the Foundation Foods chapter of Trim Healthy Mama. Carbs need to be 1 gram or less. You might think pure vanilla extract is just added for taste alone but this delicious spice has 200 compounds that make up its delicate flavor. These compounds provide wonderful antioxidant benefits, boost the metabolism and help alleviate symptoms of anxiety. Our creator did a wonderful job flavoring his medicine. We loooooove vanilla and put it in most of our sweet treats. So go flap your tired wings into the kitchen and make the SINGING CANARY. You might find a little happy melody rising from your throat. P.S. The SINGING CANARY was formulated for mamas dealing with or looking to prevent adrenal fatigue but its ingredients are powerful healers and provide support for many other issues.
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 11:04:05 +0000

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