Are you faithful to God? (Sermon for 16 March 2014): Those of you - TopicsExpress


Are you faithful to God? (Sermon for 16 March 2014): Those of you who have been reading my sermons for a long time will know that since I obeyed my renewed call just over two years ago finances have been a great challenge going from bad to worse. And this has led to much tears and distress, bouts of depression and downright rebellion against God. You know the drill: What are doing God? Why should I serve you (in ministry) if you don’t keep your promise to provide, etc. Hmmm. Then I read the Scriptures: Who is the clay to ask the Potter what He is doing? Who dares challenge God as if He is a person that could lie or demand He explains Himself? Relent, repent and humbly serve, waiting on the Lord. This evening I asked the Lord what He would have me tell you. The Lord said: “Speak to them on faithfulness. Remind my people that this has been a time of testing. Many have been Called, but few are Chosen. I am testing the hearts of my people to weed out those who are unfaithful.” And I was instructed to share some of my own experiences, which came to mind, as it relates to this Word. You see, we have a tendency to seek God when He is our last resort. When we have tried and failed by our own efforts and devices. God is raising up a new leadership and a new church. The bride of Christ is being prepared thoroughly for the end times to follow. God is separating the wheat from the chaff. Which will you be: wheat or chaff? Faithful or unfaithful? God does not want His people to treat Him as a last resort. He wants to be our go-to person. He is demanding complete and utter reliance upon His guidance and provision alone. Not on our own efforts. Not on the help of others, cutting God out of the equation. Our Creator is seeking to build the kind of relationship with us that Moses and Christ and Paul had with Him. Utter dependence upon God means surrendering to the complete indwelling of the Holy Spirit and faithfully using our gifts and talents and skills for His honour and purpose and glory. We need to set aside our own goals and ambitions, our I-me-mine mentality, and take our place in the Kingdom to fulfil the purpose for which we were created. Sometimes the provision God promises does not come when we expect, because we are not ready to receive it or have risk of being unfaithful, tossing out God’s instructions for us and yielding to our own plans and ambitions. Faithfulness requires compete surrender to the Cross and God’s plans for us. TODAY: Read Isaiah 42-45. Take stock of your life: Do you know and fulfil your purpose? Have you been a faithful custodian of what God has given? Do you use your spiritual gifts as the Holy Spirit directs? Do you rely on God for protection, provision and guidance or do you follow your own head? What do you need to repent of or change to make the grade of being faithful? © 2014, Adelle Potgieter for Church of Blessings.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 19:14:23 +0000

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