Are you fed-up with the Feds? No money to pay our bills. We - TopicsExpress


Are you fed-up with the Feds? No money to pay our bills. We borrow 250 Billion Dollars each and every week from China. We print money like it was confetti. Our Credit rating has been downgraded yet the U.S. Government is moving to assist yet another terrorist stronghold in the Middle East - Pakistan? According to new reports the Obama Administration recently finished reprogramming federal aid to the government of Pakistan, reinstating the program that had been severed in 2011 shortly after the Seal Team Six raid in the northern part of the country. Despite the fact that Pakistan had harbored Osama Bin Laden for years - and continues to harbor and assist Al Qaeda and Taliban militants today - the Obama Administration aims to ship them money in the name of combating terror. The Obama Administration intends to provide Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and the Pakistani government a total of $1.6 billion by early next year. We need to demand Congress to stop the distribution of these funds! Under no circumstances should we allow the Obama Administration to furnish a government plagued by corruption with U.S. dollars. Lets tell congress we are fed up with the Feds wasting our money on countries that hate us.
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 14:34:37 +0000

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