Are you feeling sluggish? Feeling bloated and puffy? Feeling - TopicsExpress


Are you feeling sluggish? Feeling bloated and puffy? Feeling drained and lacking energy? Craving sweets all the time? ... then its time to join the challenge. SLUGGISH? Time to clean up the sugar in your diet (and your waistline) For 30 days you must tighten up your diet and follow the rules. Why follow these rules? Simply to clean up some of the crap in your system. Our palettes need to be readjusted and we need to rid our bodies of built up sugars and toxins. Will you starve? NO!!!! You will still be eating 5-6 times a day and eating a well balanced diet consisting of lean proteins, fruits, veggies, whole grains, low fat dairy and healthy fats. What are the rules? They are as follows... No Artificial Sweeteners No Added Sugars like jams, jellies, ketchup, mustards, mayo, salad dressings No juices, no colas, no diet colas, no flavored water No sugar in coffee or tea No processed food (packaged or canned or microwavable convienece food) No crackers, cookies, chips (most of these contain enriched flours and added sugar... some exceptions will apply) No popcorn (air popped ,ok) No canned soups (homemade ok) No canned fruit with added sugar (packed in water ok) No spaghetti sauces (unless sugar free) No enriched breads (whole grains only... but read those labels. All breads are not created equal) No enriched pastas (whole grains only... read those labels. Make the best choice) No granola/granola bars Most cereals are out (read your labels... most have added sugars) No Sweetened Yogurt ( plain greek yogurt or plain yogurt are ok ) WHAT CAN YOU EAT? 3-5 Fresh or Unsweetened Frozen Fruit a day 5-6 Servings of Fresh or Frozen Vegetables (potatoes,corn and peas are allowed. But watch your serving size) Skim or 1% Milk Unsweetened Soy or Almond Milk Plain Yogurt/Greek Yogurt Low Fat Cheese (20% MF or less) Raw, unsalted nuts Beans, legumes Eggs Lean Meats (chicken,pork,beef) Fish without added oil (tuna,haddock,salmon,etc) Shelled fish Whole Grain Oatmeal Quinoa Grains without added sugar (millet, bulgar, barley, etc) Rice (brown, wild ) Healthy Oils (olive, canola, coconut ... all in moderation) Spices and Seasonings without added sugar/sodium Vinegars Water Coffee (no sugar) Tea (no sugar) Whey based protein powders with no sugar WHAT DOES SUGAR LOOK LIKE? These are the names to watch for on your packaging... Agave nectar Barbados Sugar Barley malt Beet sugar Blackstrap molasses Brown sugar Buttered syrup Cane crystals ... Cane juice crystals Cane sugar Caramel Carob syrup Castor sugar Confectioner’s sugar Corn syrup Corn sweetener Corn syrup solids Crystalline fructose Date sugar Demerara Sugar Dextrin Dextran Dextrose Diastatic malt Diatase D-mannose Evaporated cane juice Ethyl maltol Florida Chrystals Free Flowing Fructose Fruit juice Fruit juice concentrate Galactose Glucose Glucose solids Golden sugar Golden syrup Granulated sugar Grape sugar Grape juice concentrate HFCS High-fructose corn Syrup Honey (I recommend using honey) Icing sugar Invert sugar Lactose Malt syrup Maltodextrin Maltose Mannitol Maple syrup (ok, in moderation) Molasses Muscovado sugar Organic raw sugar Panocha Powdered sugar Raw sugar Refiner’s syrup Rice Syrup Sorbitol Sorghum syrup Sucrose Sugar Syrup Syrup Table sugar Treacle Turbinado sugar Yellow sugar ******************************************************************************** HOW WILL I BE ABLE TO COMPLETE THIS CHALLENGE? ITS HARD, RIGHT? As always the idea is to become aware of the extra sugars that we consume on a daily basis. This challenge is not about being perfect. Perfection does not exist. But it is about being consistent on a daily basis. IF YOU EAT SUGAR, YOU HAVE NOT FAILED!!!!! GOT THAT? DO YOU HEAR THAT? Simply get back on track immediately the next meal. Thats what healthy living is all about. TIPS TO HELP YOU OVER THE NEXT 30 DAYS: Measure your portions Keep a Food Journal but dont obsess over calories. Get back to eating real food. Clean up your environment (home, office... anywhere there may be not so good choices) Drink 2-3 Litres of water daily Get 4-6 Days of exercise Get plenty of rest Relax... Its real food! ***REMEMBER ITS NOT ABOUT PERFECTION. ITS ABOUT CONSISTENCY!!!!!!!!!!!!!**** Good Luck to everyone... lets share the challenge with our friends, family and co-workers
Posted on: Fri, 01 Nov 2013 18:22:49 +0000

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