....Are you filled with worry? Do you worry about everything that - TopicsExpress


....Are you filled with worry? Do you worry about everything that happens or is going to happen in your life? Are you a secret worrier where no one knows what you really do to yourself with worry? Is it impossible for you to stop? ....When you are a secret worrier you present a self that appears well put together(appearing that you are easy and not a worrier). Everyone thinks that you can handle everything that comes your way with a smoothness and easiness. You are someone that people can admire. The problem is your image and your reality are miles apart. What people see is not the true you who worries about everything. They only see what you present. Inside you can feel like a fake. ....There is no one who you can turn to when this is going on. How could you expose your fears and worries when you present the opposite. Face it, you have no one to turn to who can be a support to you. ....How do you change this situation in order to get the support that you need? Most of us do not! We cannot let down our defenses to let someone into our dilemma.(problem) Here are the facts: We let someone in and appear as someone who faked having his/her stuff together or we are totally alone with our worries with no support. ....Carrying this issue around is very dangerous to your physical and mental health. Why would you need to have this image? There is something inside you of that needs to be needed and cannot show any true needs yourself. Whatever the reason for this, it does not matter. It is wrong to do this to yourself. Let someone that does not need you know that you have fears also. Just by opening yourself to someone else, begins to remove this issue. ....Do not be afraid to tell the truth. It actually makes people easier with you if they think that you are not better than they are. You worry about things just as they do. You can still be a support, just not someone who knows everything!
Posted on: Sun, 04 May 2014 11:11:45 +0000

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