Are you following the news? Or are you, as the pundits and talking - TopicsExpress


Are you following the news? Or are you, as the pundits and talking heads tell us, too busy drinking beer and watching the playoffs? I would understand you if don’t care what happens to all of those ‘people’ in the Middle East. We’ve spent enough blood and treasure trying to bring them up to the 16th century. And we have failed. But I have bad news for you. Your games are going to be interrupted by news flashes, and nausea. You are about to be beaten into submission by the Media until you accept that America is a failed state and has no place in the world. Are you prepared for 200 beheadings on YouTube? Are you ready for all of those American bodies being dragged through the streets of Baghdad on CNN? The debate on the future of this country is no longer some academic exercise, some polite discussion over tea in the parlor. It hasnt been since day one of the Obama Administration. It hasn’t been for anybody in the trenches. It hasn’t been at our southern border, for the men on the ground; in Africa, in Afghanistan, in Iraq, in the myriad places the government denies we’re operating around the world. This is no longer a wonky disagreement of policy, nor even a heated discussion on the direction a legitimate civilization takes when confronted by its own malcontent. We are now into making decisions on deciding how to limit losses in a place where there should be no losses. That the situation should be allowed to develop as it has is criminal malfeasance. That we abandon our people in the face of these animals is treason. The resident of the White House at this point by any measure, is a ‘Clear and present danger’ to the country. Obama has manipulated the situation, through incompetence or intent, so that now we are presented with a potential catastrophe of biblical proportions. From Gibraltar to India, Obama has facilitated the rise of the worst elements of the human race. He has given aid and comfort to an enemy sworn to annihilate this country; sworn to kill every non-Muslim and Muslim of the wrong stripe. He has forsworn our allegiances, abandoned the helpless, alienated our allies, and made common cause with our enemies against our country. He has on numerous occasions committed High Crimes and Misdemeanors in the form of the death of citizens through actions and inactions, both overt and covert. Although I shall not enumerate them here, he has violated every tenet of The Constitution and The Bill of Rights countless times, with full intent and malice of forethought. In the history of this country, the Presidency has been occupied by ambitious men, racist academics, even arguably evil men but this is the first time a man with the overt intent to destroy the country has been elected. The situation we now find ourselves in is one The Framers could not solve. We now have a system that has been suborned by competing oligarchies in pursuit of their own agendas. Agendas that are antithetical to our way of life and our very survival. It was one of many things that “…needs be left to future generations.” We are now there. I fear we no longer have a peaceful and civil process in place that can protect us. James Madison Hill
Posted on: Fri, 13 Jun 2014 19:48:45 +0000

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