Are you freaking kidding me? In what world do we have two - TopicsExpress


Are you freaking kidding me? In what world do we have two presidents, one former, and one present support a murderous, hating, hoard of anti-christ, anti-jewish, anti-anyblooming thing that isnt Islam group with their lack of doing or their presense to RAISE MONEY for their campaigns. AMERICA PEOPLE AMERICA! I was trying to be positive and not post anything else political but this is so past ridiculous in light of the enormous suffering, and dictatorship these people are securing in the world. Our president doesnt have a strategy for ISIS, our former president is helping them raise more money to bring suffering to the world. Oh yes, and these are the people who want to take away our right to bear arms....really! Come quickly Lord JESUS! When He comes in the clouds with the saints to rule and reign on this earth every knee will bow and every tongue confess He is Lord! Rickey and I were watching news about Syria tonight and Rickey said this is the anti-christ setting up reign. We alway talked about the fact that America would defend the Jewish people but as we watch, hamas striking Israel everyday, that it is not a fact anymore. How must our allies be feeling as they read this at this time? Israel have no fear, your the apple of Gods eye and we are only the adopted as gentiles. Praying and loving Israel as the Word commands.
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 03:16:57 +0000

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